Chapter 4

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Kakashis P.O.V

(Y/N) Sure is acting weird, plus that Prince keeps glaring at me. I really don't have the energy for this. I sighed in defeat as I realised I would be stuck with him for another week.

"You won't win." The Prince whispered. I looked at him confused.


"(Y/N)'s heart. She may be yours for now but I will prevail."

Ah I see what was going on. (Y/N) must have lied about being in a relationship with me so that Prince Haru here would leave her alone. That's why she's been acting so strange. It also explains why she randomly shouted my name earlier. It doesn't seem to be working though.

"Just stay away from her. Or else you'll have to deal with me." I played along with (Y/N)'s game.

"You can't hurt me. You're hired to protect me." I smirked.

"All's fair in love and war." I placed a hand on my kunai to threaten him.

I walked over to (Y/N) and pulled her closer to me by her waist. "Why hello my GIRLFRIEND." I teased and she turned bright red. "Don't worry I don't mind. I can imagine how forward and irritating that Prince can be. Just stick close to me and he should leave you alone."

Your P.O.V

You were beyond words embarrassed right now. "Th...thanks Kakashi. I owe you one."

"Huh! What's going on!" Naruto ran up to you and Kakashi with Sakura and Sasuke not too far behind.

"Keep it down Naruto." Kakashi pleaded. "(Y/N) and I are in a relationship. Now move along." So he wants to keep the truth from the team? I guess it would be risky to reveal the plan in case Haru was listening.

"That's so sweet!" Sakura shouted.

"Its a bit strange. When exactly did this happen Kakashi sensei?" Sasuke asked.

"Uhm when she got back to the village. We've been in love ever since we were kids. It made sense to get into a relationship. Isn't that right babe." He was obviously trying to embarrass you, but you had to play along.

"Yes absolutely." You smiled at him.

You travelled until you reached a little town. "We'll spend the night here." Kakashi said.

"Yes!" Naruto exclaimed. "I'm so hungry."

"I'm going to relax in the hot springs." Sakura said.

"You might want to reconsider that." you pointed to the sign which stated joined hot springs.

"Okay yeah on second thought I think I'll pass." You giggled at Sasukras sudden change of mind.

"I hope I'll see you there my dear." Haru said kissing your hand.

"Dude! I have a boyfriend. Back off!" Kakashi was too busy reading his book to come and aid you. You glared at his stupid aloofness.

"He doesn't have to know." He smirked.

You wished so bad you could punch him in the face. But one doesn't kill or hurt the client. You rolled your eyes.

Kakashi booked you all in to rooms. " Wait Kakashi there are five of us. Why only 4 keys."

"We share a room. After all we are in a relationship." He teased you. Prince Haru glared at the both of you.

There was one bed in your room. "Okay I'll take the couch Kakashi."

"No your not." He walked over to the couch, showing that he has officially claimed it.

"But if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have to share a room with me"

"That doesn't matter. I'm not letting the lady take the couch." You smiled at Kakashis gentleman like manners.

"Fine. I really owe you one Kakakshi."

"Don't worry about it. You'd do the same for me. Anyway if we are going to pretend to be a couple you'll have to be more convincing."

"What do you mean?"

"Well." He laid down on the couch, still reading his book. "You're always so agitated when I touch you. The others haven't noticed but Sasuke has. The plan won't work unless you commit 100%." He was more invested in this plan than you were.

"Okay I'll try."

"This is for your benefit but I seem to be the one most invested here." He laughed. It was true though.

Later that night you took a trip to the hot springs. Kakashi left the room a while ago. You assumed he was out eating or something.

It was pretty late so you were hoping no one would be in the hot springs. When you got there, there was way too much steam to say for sure if there were other people. Even if there were it would probably only be one or two.

As soon as you got in someone spoke
"Hey (Y/N)." Kakashi was here? You turned to your left. Kakashi was only inches away from you.

"Kakashi!" You moved back a few paces. "I didn't think anyone would be in here."

"Well this is a public hot spring you know."

"I see your point. Are there any other people in here with us?"

"Not that I know of." You only noticed now he was wearing a small towel to cover his face.

"Why Are you wearing that?" You tried pulling the mask off but he stopped you.

"Well why not." He answered his grip still firm on your arm. It hit you just then that you were completely naked with Kakashi in a hot spring.

"Uhm I have to go." You got out as quick as you could, grabbing your towel to cover up.

You must have been in too much of a hurry because you slipped and fell back into the hot spring.

"Hey careful. It's slippery." Kakashi was holding you against his chest. He must have caught you when you fell.

"Uhm yeah thanks." You jumbled  as you jumped out of his arms and ran for your room, clutching onto your soaked towel for dear life.

Please kill me now! You cried out. As you laid on the bed.

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