Chapter 3

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You woke up early the next morning to someone knocking at your door. You were not a morning person at all.

You glared at your closed room door, mentally daring the person to knock on more time. Then again the person knocked.

"What the he..." You stopped midway as you swung the door open. "Kakashi?"

"Who else did you think it could be?"

"Maybe the Anbu black ops or something. Anyway the sun is still asleep and so should I be. What do you want?"

He chuckled at your morning form. "We will be leaving for the mission in an hour. Meet us at the east bridge."

"Okay, can I go back to sleep?"

"No! Go get ready." He laughed.

You drug yourself to your room and sluggishly got dressed. "(Y/N)! You left your door unlocked." Kakashi called from your living room.

"Then lock it Kakashi!" You groaned. "Spare key is on the fridge."

After getting dressed you ate some cereal and made your way to the bridge.

"Where's Kakashi?" You scanned the area to make sure you didn't just over look him.

"He's late! Again!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto please calm down it's way too early."

"Yeah Naruto (Y/N) is right." Sakura added. " You're giving me a headache."

"Wait. So Kakashi is often late? Why?"

"He always has a stupid excuse like he got lost on the path of life or the other one about the black cat." Naruto gruffed.

Huh, those sound a lot like the excuses Obito would often use you thought.

After an hour Kakashi arrived. "Sorry I'm late everyone. A black cat passed the short path so I had to take the long one."

You smiled at Kakashi's excuse. It brought back so many happy memories of when you were younger. You would often hang out with him Obito and Rin. Who would have thought he'd ever be your sensei.

"You seem awfully happy (Y/N)." Kakashi approached you. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm just thinking about happy times is all." Your smile faded as you realised you'd never be that happy again. "So what's the mission entail?"

"Just an escort. Nothing too dangerous." We were about to leave when Kakashi stopped. "I almost forgot. I have something for you (Y/N)." He reached into his weapons pouch and pulled out a leaf head band. "You are a leaf ninja, you should wear the leaf headband." You put the headband in your pouch. You didn't feel you deserved to wear it.

You felt as if you had betrayed your village by falling into Orochimaru's grasp. "You're not gonna put it on?" Kakashi asked rather surprised.

You shook your head. "Not yet." Kakashi seemed as if he wanted to ask you more questions but he held back.

"Who are we escorting? A princess? Please let it be a beautiful princess." Naruto asked, basically drooling.

"Actually it's a prince."

"Ah man. I guess (Y/N) and Sakura get to have some eye candy instead."

"There's only one piece of eye candy for me." Sakuras gaze drifted to Sasuke. Sasuke however failed to even notice her.

"What about you (Y/N)?" Naruto asked.

"Well I don't really care much about looks. I mean yes they are important but I feel the personality is more important."

"Prude." Naruto stated bluntly.

"Hey! Now that was uncalled for!" You snapped at him.

After traveling for half a day you finally made it to the land of tea. This was where you had to meet the Prince.

"So (Y/N)." You turned to Naruto. "Why are you a genin but you're like an old lady." You looked at Naruto narrowed eyed.

"I'm 22 years old Naruto."

"Yeah! You should be a chunin at least. Talk about a slow learner."

"Naruto that's enough." Kakashi knocked him on the head making him wince in pain.

"Ouch Kakashi sensei! What was that for."

"For being a block head. Now leave (Y/N) alone and focus." He said calmly. You mouthed a thank you to him which made him smile at you.

You arrived at a huge mansion with a beautiful garden, surrounded by all sorts of flowers.

As you entered you were greeted by the Butler who gave you all a quick run down of the rules. None of you really bothered to listen.

"Well are these the ninja who are to escort me? I'm underwhelmed." Based on first impressions this guy was a huge snob you thought. "And who is this beautiful flower." The Prince walked up to you taking your hand and kissing it.

"Umm... (Y/N) Uchiha." You said pulling your hand out of his grasp.

"What a lovely name my dear. I'm Prince Haru. But you can call me Haru." He winked at you which made him cringe.

"Hey Haru. I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

"You will address me as Prince or your highness."

"Wait but how come she doesn't have to!" Naruto pointed at you dramatically.

"You should keep him on a leash." His attitude was starting to irritate you.

Kakashi introduced everyone else. Soon after you were all on your way to the land of sugar.

"So tell me (Y/N) Uchiha. Is there a special man in your life?" Prince Haru  whispered in your ear. You were very uncomfortable at how he asked you.

"Uhm yes..." You were hoping he'd leave you alone if you said yes.

"Who is this rival of mine?" He asked dramatically.

In a panic you blurted out the first name to come to mind. "Kakashi." Your eyes darted over to Kakashi who was looking at you. You quickly looked away.

"Well don't worry. I'll get rid of him soon enough." You raised an eye brow at him.

"Sure buddy whatever you say."

"Did you need me?" Kakashi asked suddenly behind you which frightened you a little. "You said my name just now."

"Uhm... yeah never mind that." You walked away before he could say anything else.

This is one sticky situation you created.

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