Chapter 16

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It has been  a month since the incident. You've been doing a lot better but Kakashi was being a little distant.

He wasn't ignoring you or anything like that but you could tell his mind was always else where. You were worried you had added to his stress recently.

"Kakashi." You said as the two of you ate breakfast at your apartment. He had kind of moved in with you. He looked up at you from his book. "Are you okay? You seem distant."

He looked at you confused. "Yeah sure." He continued eating his breakfast while reading his book. "(Y/N)."

When he said your name you got your hopes up. You were hoping that he'd tell you what was bothering him. "I forgot to tell you. We have a mission today. The others already know. We should leave as soon as we are done here." You nodded, a little disappointed that he didn't tell you what you wanted to hear.

As the two of you made your way to the bridge to meet up with the rest of the team, you kept glancing at Kakashi.

"If you want a kiss all you have to do is ask. Or just pounce me. I'd really like that." He smirked at you through his mask.

"Don't be an idiot." You pouted as your whole face turned red.

"What's up? Something has been bothering you all morning." He asked, looking at you intentivley.

"Well to be honest you've seemed very distant recently. It's like your mind is always else where." He quickly looked away and to the ground. Now you knew he was hiding something. "Kakashi you are being so obvious! What's going on?"

"Look there's the team." He walked over to the bridge.

"Kakashi we aren't done talking." You joined the rest of them.

"Okay today's mission is simple. All you have to do is walk a few dogs." He ignored your question completely. "Also I won't be joining you guys today. This mission is easy enough."

"Kakashi stop ignoring me!" Everyone looked at you as if you were crazy.

"I'm not ignoring you." He said calmly.

"Then answer my question."

"Why don't you just stop nagging." You were so shocked and hurt. Kakashi was never this mean to you. Before you could say anything further he left.

"Wow that was embarrassing." Naruto commented which rewarded him with a slap from Sakura.

"Would it kill you to be sensitive! You are such a pain." She yelled.

"Come on guys let's just go." You looked at the page with the details of the mission. Kakashi gave it to you just before you left your apartment.

You each got a dog to walk. The whole time your mind was distracted. Why was Kakashi so distant? And why didn't he go on this mission with you guys? He never did that in the past, no matter how mundane the mission was.

You were walking through a trail near the forest when you caught a glimpse of Kakashi jumping through the trees. Now was your chance to see what was going on with him.

"Hey Naruto. Walk my dog for me would you." Before he could reject your request you left.

You quickly found him. You made sure to keep your distance.

After a few minutes of following Kakashi he met up with some woman. Was he... No! He would never do that...

The two of them were talking but you were too far to hear. She seemed very flitacious. Although that could have been your imagination.

Kakashi then removed his mask and placed a kiss on the woman's lips. Your heart broke into a thousand pieces. You could barely breathe. You had to get out of there as soon as possible.

You ran back to your apartment as fast as you could. You crashed into your bed and cried. How could he do this to you? The pain was too much to bare. You needed him during this difficult time and he goes and hurts you like this. How long has it been going on?

You soon cried yourself asleep. You dreamt about Kakashi kissing that woman again. All the feelings of hurt came back ten fold.
"Babe?" You woke up to Kakashi calling you. You opened your eyes but you didn't move from your spot on your bed.
"Oh there you are. What's going on, Naruto said you left in such a hurry before completing the mission." He sat down on the bed next to you. "Babe are you asleep?"

"No. And please call me (Y/N) Kakashi." Your voice was cold and blunt.

"What? I'm sorry I was so mean to you this morning. I have a lot of things going on and..."

"Shut up Kakashi." You whispered.

"What? Sorry could you repeat that?"
You pushed him off your bed.

"Shut up Kakashi! Just shut up!" Your tears started streaming down your face.

"Babe what's wrong." He tried hugging you but you hit his hands away.

"Don't touch me! Don't ever touch me again! Just stay away from me." He acted as if he was clueless which only made you much angrier.

"Babe hey calm down. What's wrong just talk to me."

"I am done talking to you Kakashi. We are through." You said in a softer tone.

"What? You're breaking up with me?" His voice started cracking.

"Yes Kakashi that's exactly what I'm doing." You gave him a cruel smile. "I don't want to be with you anymore. Becoming your girlfriend was the biggest mistake of my life."

"(Y/N) where is all of this coming from? I'm so confused. Please just tell me what made you so angry at me. We can work it out. Please." It made you sick how innocent he was acting.

"You have ten seconds to get out of my apartment. Leave the spare key on the kitchen counter."

"I'm not letting you end our relationship just like that. I love you (Y/N). What ever it is we can work through it."

"What don't you understand Kakashi! I don't want you anymore. I don't want to talk about it. My decision is final and nothing you say will change my mind. Just get the hell away from me!" Tears threatening to fall down your face.

"This doesn't make any sense. I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on." He held your hands.

"Get your hands off me!" You tried pulling free from his grip but it was too strong.

"Please calm down." He pulled you into a hug. You immediately punched him in the gut.

"Keep your hands off me!"

"Why Are you so mad at me? What's going on?" Tears starting to fall down his eyes.

"I don't want to be with you Kakashi. Just accept that and leave me alone. Becoming your girlfriend was the biggest mistake of my life and I'm counting trusting Orochimaru."

He closed his eyes his tears still stream. You had to give him credit. He was a hell of a good actor. "If that's how you feel (Y/N) then I won't bother you anymore. I'm sorry I've made you so angry." He looked up at you. Strange enough you knew it was all an act but you could see genuine pain in his eyes. "I love you (Y/N). Just know that I'll always love you."

You glared at him. He didn't say another word further and just left.

You hated Kakashi so much. You hated how you let yourself be vulnerable with him. You hated how much you trusted him. You hated how much you loved him... how much you still love him.
"You are a monster Kakashi." You whispered to yourself as you laid on your bed.

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