Chapter 7

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You and team 7 had finally gotten back from your mission and entered the leaf village.

"(Y/N)." Kakashi took your hands in his. Naruto and the others stopped to watch for some reason. "I want to break up. It's not you it's me. We are heading in different directions in life. I need some time to figure out who I am." He listed out all the classic break up lines. He probably didn't feel like explaining to everyone that you two weren't really dating. It was a little too much to explain.

You looked to the ground. Even though it wasn't real and the break up was techincally fake it hurt you for some reason. These past couple of days holding Kakashis hand, him putting his arm around you, spending time together was amazing. You were sad it was ending. You felt a tear run down your cheek. "I understand." You ran off, not wanting to cry in front of your team.

Kakashis P.O.V

Wow all of a sudden (Y/N) is a good actress. That tear was a good touch, and her running away was the cherry on top. Perfection.

"Kakashi sensei what's wrong with you!" Sakura slapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey! I'm still your sensei."

"You're a monster!" She walked off before I could say anything. I couldn't have my students thinking bad of me.

"Sakura wait." She turned to me. I noticed Sasuke and Naruto were glaring at me as well. "(Y/N) and I weren't really in a relationship. We just pretended to be in one so that Haru would leave her alone."

"That doesn't make sense." Sasuke added.

"How so?" I asked confused.

"It seemed as if (Y/N) really liked you. Because at first it was as if she was forcing herself to even smile at you but after a few days she seemed more at ease with you. Perhaps her acting just improved." Sasuke then left, probably losing interest in the topic.

"Wait so Kakashi and (Y/N) are not in a relationship? I'm confused." Naruto asked. I wasn't surprised he wasn't keeping up with the conversation.

"Keep up you idiot." Sakura hit him over the head.

"(Y/N) and I were never in a relationship. The break up was fake. She isn't really upset." I explained once again for Narutos sake.

"She seemed pretty upset to me." Naruto said.

I sighed in frustration. "I'll see you guys later." I left before Naruto and Sakura could ask more questions.

Your P.O.V

You ran back to your apartment and locked the door behind you. Why did it hurt this much? Why? It wasn't real! You kept telling yourself over and over but it didn't make you feel better.

It was about 15 minutes after ariving home when someone was at the door. "(Y/N)?" It was Kakashi. He knocked once more before calling to you again. "Lady Tsunade said you never collected your payment. I'm just here to drop it off to you."

You couldn't get yourself to stop crying. You got up slowly, careful not to make any noise. As you got up you accidently knocked your book shelf, making some books fall. "(Y/N)? Is that you." You didn't respond, hoping he'd just leave. You stayed behind the couch hoping he would eventually lose interest and walk away or something.

Instead, he unlocked the door. You had completely forgotten he had your spare key. "Show yourself!" He sounded angry.

"What the heck Kakashi!" You got up from behind the couch to face him. Tears still streaming down your cheeks.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I heard something in the apartment and when you didn't answer I thought it might be a robber or something." He analysed you closer. "(Y/N), are you crying? He approached you.

"Stop." You turned slightly away from him. "Just set the money on the table."

"Hey, what's wrong." He ignored your demand for him to stop.

"Get out! You aren't welcome here Kakashi! Just leave!" Your tears were still stream as you shouted at him. He was the last person you wanted to see. But funny enough he was also the only person you wanted to see. It was all so confusing to you.

"(Y/N)..." he was clearly worried about you but you were not in the mood.

"Get out Kakashi." You said in a lower but more threatening tone.

He set the money on the table before leaving. He stopped, his back still facing you. He looked over his shoulder. "I'm here for you when you want to talk." He closed the door.

"What is wrong with me." You buried your head in your hands.

Authors note: thank you so much for 63 views and 9 votes! I do realise it's nothing to really write home about but I just want my readers to know I really appreciate it!♥️😊🤗. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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