—and youngmin reciprocates it.

to: dayeon
i need to um??
talk to you????

from: dayeon
yea whats going on

ill come in tmr you can tell me
then or if its urgent you can just??
call me rn i guess???

to: dayeon
ill just tell you tmr,
see you then

"you either believe me or you don't," he starts off, arms folded across his chest. "and whichever decision you choose to make, i just want you to know that i'm not trying to bother you or, whatever." when dayeon nods her head mindlessly, he exhales deeply, lifting his gaze back up to look at her again.

"hyori kissed youngmin last night, and he kissed her back," he holds a hand up to stop her when he sees that she's about to say something on impulse. "i've been staying behind the past few days to catch up on steps and improve, and it's always been the two of them in the studio after everyone's left. you haven't been with him a lot ever since the collab started, have you?"

dayeon gives him a look. "no, but that doesn't give you a right to accuse him of cheating on me, woong," she retorts. "i know we didn't end things on a good note, but you're stooping so low to sabotage my relationship? god, woong, just let me be happy in peace. i'm done talking to you."

and woong takes it. he doesn't protest, doesn't pull her back, doesn't get angry. he leans against the wall beside the door of studio 3 and breathes, letting his arms fall to his sides, walking back to studio 6 calmly. when he sees youngmin and hyori sitting together on the floor, he can only manage to scoff under his breath.


LEE DAYEON doubted it, but she stayed behind after she was sure everyone had left that monday night. she didn't believe woong, truly, but a part of her was curious — what if what he'd told her earlier that day was true?

she can't hide the truth behind how she feels like she hasn't had the chance to properly talk to and spend time with youngmin these past few weeks, ever since moonlight crew started coming in for practices and the whole hyori issue started to surface. youngmin would text her at night when she's at home, but most of the time he sounds distant and out of reach. thinking about it, maybe woong only meant well, but it's woong, and he is one to speak regarding cheating.

dayeon crosses paths with woong on her way to studio 4, and before she could reach for the door handle, his hand stops her and holds her back. "dayeon, you don't want to," he warns and frowns, but he lifts his hand off almost immediately. "but okay, i'm sorry. i can't stop you."

woong leaves the building, and she contemplates it again. she thinks it's probably been 15 minutes, yet she didn't know why exactly was she so afraid, why she was listening to woong in the first place. she musters up the courage and opens the door, her gaze fixated on the floor.

it was the way she practically felt her heart shatter in her chest as she looked up. the way her lips fell parted as she registered the scene before her very eyes, like a nightmare relived. the tears come again, her bottom lip quivering, her hands limp by her sides.

hyori, in his lap, hands tangled in his hair, eyes closed and lips locked. youngmin, not like the person who was having an argument with woong about cheating, hands gripping her hips, immersed and unaware of everything else around him.

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