Chapter 6 : When Dylan Met Skylar

Start from the beginning

“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” He winked at me. I immediately shut my mouth.

“I didn’t know you were rich or British.” I say as I follow him further into the mansion. I’m more and more amazed with each new room we pass through. Literally, each different room has its own unique interior design. Finally Dylan comes to a stop in a room that looks like a very fancy kitchen and it was really high tech. I turned to Dylan and quirked an eyebrow at him,

“Why are we in your kitchen?” he gives me a small smirk.

“Because we’re going to cook.” I gave him the most confused face I could muster. Cook? I suck at cooking, I can bake but if you ask me to do anything else in the kitchen, I’m pretty much useless.

“Dylan…I can’t cook to save my life.” I protest. He started grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“That’s makes it all the more fun.” He walks over to one of the drawers, opens them and pulls out a blender, “But first, we’re going to make juice.” He must have seen my horrified expression because he started chuckling.

“I take it that you have never used a blender then. It’s fine, I’ll just show you.” He set up the blender and went over to the fridge to get what I could assume were fruit for the juice. He pulled out oranges while I prodded at the blender like it was an alien of some sorts.

“Skylar, what are you doing?” he asked me while laying the oranges on the counter as he took the cutting board from the cabinet. I stopped prodding at it and looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.

“Nothing…” I trailed off. He gave me the look that screamed that he didn’t believe me.

“Okay sure. Surely you know how to cut fruit. So here you go and the knife is on the counter. Cut them up while I set up the strainer to make this into a juicer.” I happily took the cutting board and oranges from him and went to cut them up. Once I was done, I found a plate to put them in and passed it to him. So he had set the juicier up and honestly it looked like it could kill someone. It had this thing on top, which had grooves and looked sharp.

“You know the juicer isn’t going to hurt you so you can stop looking at it like that, Skylar. Now look, this is how it works.” He took one half of the orange from the plate and positioned it on the sharp thing. He then pressed the button and it started spinning around really fast below the orange, draining all of its juice out. I was right! The sharp thing was deadly. Finally after all the juice was drained out, Dylan turned it off and threw the empty shell away. He turned to look at me,

“Do you want to have a go at it?” I shook my head violently. He pursed his lips and gave me a look. I finally gave in and threw my hands up in surrender. I took the bloody orange and put it on top of the juicer. Out of nowhere, Dylan snaked his arms around me and placed his hands atop mine. It was such a cheesy move but I didn’t complained because whether I wanted to admit it or not, I liked having his arms around me. I turned to look at him,

“Cheesy move, Stauss, cheesy move. Also what kind of last name is that?”

“Its my kind of last name and admit it, you like it.” He gave me a sly smile. I rolled my eyes at me and embraced his arms around me. We hit the button and started juicing. Finally I had successfully juiced an orange and I felt so happy and proud of myself, I threw my arms around Dylan’s neck and in the heat of the moment, I kissed him. It got even better when he kissed me back. We stayed there until we both ran out of breath and pulled back. I bit my lip and looked up at him shyly.


“I’m sorry.” We said at the same time.

“What?” We say at the same time again. 

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