"You're not trading this fish, are you?" Snotlout asked, holding up the fish."Because it's delicious!Hey!" Hookfang snatched the salmon from Snotlout and ate it. Annoyed, Snotlout snapped his fingers, commanding his dragon to give the salmon back. Reluctantly, Hookfang gave the salmon back in his humans' hand and Snotlout continued to eat it, to the others' disgust.

'I am so going to eat your dinner again, tonight.'Hookfang said in his dragon language. Too bad Snotlout didn't know dragonese...

"You know that can be bad for your stomach, right?" Hicca asked, referring to the regurgitated salmon. Snotlout just gave a shrug in response.

"When do we leave?" Astrid asked.

"Hiccup and Iwere just getting our supplies ready and the two of us along with Toothless and Midnight were going to leave." Hicca answered.

"Yeah, Hicca and I need to go alone. If we all disappear, our dad will get suspicious." Hiccup explained.

"Go alone? You two without us?" Snotlout asked dubiously."Ha, ha! Like you two could handle anything if we weren't there to bail you-" He started choking when he accidently swallowed a bone."Ugh... Help!"

"Put some pressure on his stomach, it will help." Hicca advised.

"Got it." Astrid said. She gave a strong punch to Snotlouts' stomach, causing the Jorgenson boy to cough up the bone.

"Out..." Snotlout wheezed.

"Yeah, I think it's the other way around. For you at least." Hicca said.

Hiccup sighed, knowing his friends were going to be persistent in coming with them. "Alright, fine... You two can come, but that's it. Don't even tell the others. Heed my warning. I am serious."

Five minutes later

Hiccup was flying on Toothless, with an annoyed expression.

"Hey, Hiccup, Snotlout told us there'll be salmon. And I love lox." Tuffnut called as he and his sister rode on Barf and Belch.

Yep, it seemed that someone (*cough* *cough* Snotlout) didn't really take Hiccups' warning seriously and told Fishlegs, Raeda, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"I'm pretty sure I said 'Don't tell the others'." Hiccup reminded Snotlout.

"And I'm pretty sure I didn't listen to you." Snotlout retorted.

"You do you realize, Hiccup, that even if Snotlout didn't tell us, the moment I'll notice you guys were missing I would go look for you. I'm not one to miss out on the action." Raeda said. Both Hiccup and Hicca couldn't help but agree to that. They wouldn't be surprised if she actually did manage to find them.

"Hiccup, aren't you always saying it's better when we work as a team?" Fishlegs pointed out.

"See, bro? This is what happens when you offer words of wisdom; it get's thrown back in your face." Hicca said.

"I can see that... Next time I say that, just slap me in the face." Hiccup requested, rolling his eyes.

"I'll do it right now." Ruffnut offered, holding up her hand.

"She will. And she slaps like a guy." Tuffnut informed them."It's awesome! Watch!" To demonstrate, Ruffnut slapped her brother."Yeah..."

Astrid spotted something floating in the ocean. "Hey! Look!"

"I can't see anything through the tears." Tuffnut commented, still relishing in the slap.

Hiccup saw what, or who, Astrid was pointing at. "Is that... Johann?" Sure enough, there was Trader Johann floating on a large piece of wood.

The Haddock Twins: Riders of BerkWhere stories live. Discover now