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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon.

Every year on Berk, we come together to test our strength, endurance and courage in the annual Thawfest Games. For some of us, it's not such a great time of the year.

It was that time of the year where the Thawfest games take place. Astrid, Raeda, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs were in the Academy training.

Meanwhile in the forest, Gobber was coaching Hiccup and Hicca in their training. As usual, because of their scrawny figures, they didn't have much luck.

Currently, Hiccup was trying, and failing, to uproot a tree. "Come on, Hiccup! Pull! Put your back into it! Put your legs into it! Put your entire body into-" Gobber shouted, before Hiccup accidently let go of the tree he was trying to uproot, hitting his mentor in the face. "YA! Hey!" Gobber yelled while rubbing his face.

Hicca sighed. This was the same story for them every year. She turned to see Snotlout doing the same exercise her brother was doing, with his father coaching him. Only difference was that he was more successful as always.

"Faster, Snotlout! You have to push yourself, son!" Spitelout coached as his son continue to uproot and throw tree after tree. He finished the last three and chanted with his father. "Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!"

It was Hicca's turn to do an exercise as Gobber placed a sheep on her shoulders and made her run while her brother took a break. She then started racing Snotlout.

"See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!" Snotlout taunted as his cousin fell forward from the weight of the sheep. Hicca could only get up and watch as her cousin ran past her. Hiccup came to help his sister up.

In fact, Hicca and I have lost every single time... to Snotlout. But this year, all that will change. This year one of us finally has a chance to win. Because, for the first time ever, this year, the Thawfest Games will include—

"Dragons!" Gobber exclaimed to the teens, minus Snotlout, in the Academy. "They are now officially part of Thawfest. There will be three additional events. The fly-and-shoot, which will require you to fly straight and shoot straighter." He suddenly had to duck as a fireball flew by "Hey!" He yelled, looking at the source of the fireball.

"Sorry!" Tuffnut, who was sitting on Barf for some reason, said. "We were on the wrong head."

"I thought there was something different about the view." Ruffnut commented as she and her twin switched seats.

"Ah, much better." Tuffnut said

Gobber continued "Next, is the free-style. Where it's up to you to impress the judges with a trick of your choice."

He stopped when he saw Stormfly flying in the air with Astrid doing a hand-stand on her saddle and moving her legs. "That's it, girl. Just like we practiced..." Astrid instructed.

"Ah! The Nadder Wing Walk. Impressive, Astrid." Gobber commented.

"Yeah, but nothing like what Sparkfire and I have planned." Raeda said.

"Um, excuse me." Fishlegs said, coming up to Gobber. "Meatlug and I were wondering if there were going to be any intellectual events. A puzzle perhaps?"

"Or a medical quiz round?" Hicca asked, hopeful.

"I'll take that under advisement, Fishlegs and Hicca." Gobber said. "And let's not forget the hurdles! Where you'll be asked to-"

Again, he was interrupted. This time it was by Snotlout and Hookfang, who have just arrived in the Academy with the former wearing his previously won medals, no doubt to show off. "Woohoo-hoo-hoo-hooo!" Hookfang landed and Snotlout got off. "You know what my favourite thing is about the Thawfestival Games?" The Jorgenson boy asked rhetorically before answering his own question. "Winning!" He held out one of his medals in front of Hiccup and Hicca. "You wanna touch one of my metals, just to see how it feels to be a winner?"

The Haddock Twins: Riders of BerkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin