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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

They say two heads are better than one; which is often true, but four heads? Eh, that's a few heads too many.

It was another day of training for the dragon riders. This time, Hiccup had the riders navigate through a fog, relying on their dragons to navigate. Some people, however, weren't too eager about this.

Hicca flew Midnight right next to Toothless and Hiccup before she spoke up. "Hey bro, what happened to the sea-stack exercise I made for today? We decided yesterday that we would do that one."

"Well, Toothless and I saw that it was foggy here on our morning flight and I thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of that by using it as a trust exercise. Don't worry, sis. We'll do the sea-stack exercise afterwards. It will be a double exercise." Hiccup answered.

"Okay." Hicca mumbled, still not happy about the sudden change in plan.

Meanwhile, the Thorston twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, have a bit of trouble with their foggy view.

"How are we supposed to see anything through this fog?" Ruffnut called.

Hiccup flew Toothless away from Midnight and towards Barf and Belch. "You're not. That's the whole point." Hiccup said.

"Oh." Tuffnut said, though he was still confused."No, I still don't get it."

"When you two can't see, you have to trust Barf and Belch to see for you." Hiccup explained before he and Toothless pulled away."Like this."

That didn't help the Thorston twins at all. "Why does he always have to speak in RIDDLES?!" Tuffnut complained.

"I say we trust us." Ruffnut suggested.

"Yeah, I'm with you, sister!" Tuffnut agreed.

"Barf, up!" Ruffnut commanded. Unfortunately Tuffnut gave a different command. "Belch, down!" Trying to do both tasks simultaneously, the Zippleback ended up spinning out of control, with their riders clutching on. Fishlegs, who was navigating through the clouds with Meatlug, gasped when he realised that they were in the path of the spinning Zippleback! It was too late for the two to steer out of the way as the Zippleback collided with the Gronckle, causing their riders to fall off and landed on some branches of a tree.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut were recovering from their fall when the branch they landed on started to crack! Quickly, they called for their dragon.

"Belch, get me down!"

"Barf, go for help!"

Again, there were two different commands that left Barf and Belch unable to help either of their riders.

'Can't they make up their minds?' Belch complained.

'My head is spinning.' Barf said.

Fishlegs whistled to Meatlug and made a few hand gestures. This prompted the Gronckle to swoop in and grabbed the Thorston twins just before the branch broke off. This caught Hiccups' attention as he and Toothless flew by.

Fishlegs was happy with the outcome "It worked! I can't believe it actually worked!" His celebration, however, was short-lived when his own branch started cracking under his weight. "Whoa!" Luckily for him, he was caught by Hiccup and Toothless just in time.

"What was that hand thing you were doing?" Hiccup asked in curiosity.

"Well. I decided to craft some hand-signals for Meatlug just in case we get separated, and they seem to have passed the impromptu trial." Fishlegs explained, gesturing to his dragon who was still carrying Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

The Haddock Twins: Riders of BerkWhere stories live. Discover now