Defiant One

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

The life of a Viking can be difficult, harsh, and stormy. Nobody could make it through alone. Eventually you're going to have to rely on someone. Unfortunately we do not always get to pick that someone.

Today the chief of Berk, Stoick the Vast, informed his kids that one of their fishing boats haven't returned. Therefore, the dragon riders are now out on a search and rescue mission to find the boat. However, some people were getting impatient.

"This is so lame! What's the point of even flying out here?" Snotlout complained.

"Because this is our first dragon search and rescue mission." Hiccup answered.

"We've done plenty of searching but we haven't done any rescuing! Do you even know where we are? We're probably lost1" Snotlout asked.

"Search and rescue missions can be for days Snotlout. Just because we have dragons doesn't mean we can find anyone in a few seconds." Hicca explained.

"Plus, our dad said the fishing boat was last seen heading south." Hiccup explained.

"Neither of you know what you're talking about." Snotlout said defiantly."There's nothing down there! I say we go north!"

Astrid rolled her eyes at the Jorgenson boy. "And if Hiccup and Hicca said to go north?"

Snotlout tried to come up with an answer, but seemed stuck. "Are you trying to mess with my mind? Because nothing gets in here, nothing!"

"Trust me, Snotlout, that fact has been established a very long time ago." Raeda said rolling her eyes.

"What does our map say, Fishlegs?" Astrid asked, trying to get them back on the mission.

Fishlegs held out the map and tried to read it. The task was made difficult with the wind blowing the map. "Kind of tough to read from this angle."

"Just keep your eyes open for any signs of the boat." Hicca ordered the others.

Snotlout wasn't so willing to comply "You know what, Hicca? I'm done listening to you and your brother! I said north, and north is where I'm going..." He tried to steer Hookfang away, but the Monstrous Nightmare was reluctant in leaving the group.

'Why do we have to leave?' Hookfang grumbled.

"Hey! You work for me!" The boy finally managed to steer the stubborn dragon away as they headed north.

'Oh, I am so going to blast you when you least expect it for that one.'

"Are we just going to let him go?" Ruffnut asked.

"Works for me." Tuffnut answered.

Seeing his cousin leave, Hiccup breathed a sigh of relief, enjoying the moment of peace. Snotlout didn't waste any opportunity to annoy him or his sister, though Hicca has more of the patience and tolerance to deal with their cousin than he does.

His moment of peace was interrupted when Astrid cleared her throat. "Ahem."

Hiccup looked at his twin. "I don't like him any more than you do, bro. But it's not safe for him and Hookfang to go off by themselves. Something bad could happen to them." Hicca reasoned.

Hiccup sighed, knowing his sister is right. "Ugh, you're right. I'm going. Sis, you lead the others back. We'll get him."

"Are you sure you don't want me and Midnight to come with you guys?" Hicca asked. Midnight warbled in agreement.

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