Dragon Flower

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Berk is a small island in the middle of nowhere. So when we get a taste of something new...

Another normal day in Berk. Hiccup was in his house sketching a picture of Toothless in his notebook. He dipped his quill in the pot to get some more ink, only to find the pot empty.

Bucket was standing on a small boat near the shores of Berk, when he spotted a familiar ship approaching. "Trader Johann is here. Trader Johann!" He announced excitedly to the other villagers nearby. He was so excited, he accidently fell off his boat. Soon the other villagers gathered at the docks, excitedly waiting for the ship to come.

We tend to go a little overboard. Unfortunately, new isn't always good.

"Ah, Berk, my favorite of all the islands I travel to." Trader Johann greeted as he set a plank between his ship and the docks.

"Where have you been this time, Trader Johann?" Bucket asked, having swam back to the docks.

"Oh, Bucket, the things I've seen, the people I've met! I'd need a week to regale you, but alas, we have limited time to conduct our business together." Trader Johann answered. He then turned to address the crowd."Whatever it is you're looking for I can assure you you'll find it here!" The villagers immediately boarded the ship.

"It's all mine. I call dibs on everything." Snotlout declared.

"I have a variety of things. I've got food of all sorts, spices, exotic animals..." Johann announced.

Tuffnut spotted one of the stacks moving. "Did that bag move? What's in it?" The bag was then covered in spikes."Whoa!"

"Works of art, jewelry, not to mention, knowledge."

"Trader Johann, is this your only book on botany?" Fishlegs asked, holding up a book.

"Yes, Mr. Fishlegs. Why it was given to me by the author himself." Johann answered.

Fishlegs then took out a necklace with three teeth. "Would you take this necklace? It's made from baby dragons' teeth."

"Fair enough Mr. Fishlegs." Johann said taking the necklace.

Hicca was looking through the library, until she found what she was looking for. Her eyes widened as she held the book. "A Healers' Guide To Deadly Diseases. Vol. I'. I need this!" She turned to Johann taking a bracelet with Night Fury scales out of her bag. "Johann, I'll take this book for this bracelet with real Night Fury scales."

"I accept!" Johann said, carefully taking the bracelet as he saw the high value in it.

Raeda was looking between a new set of paints and a chest full of different cloths, both things she wants. 'I'll get both.' She decided. She took out two paintings from her bag. "Here you go, Johann." She said handing the painting to the trader.

"Ah, thank you Miss Raeda." Johann said being careful with the drawings. He always got a high price for the paintings he sold made from Raeda.

Snotlout was admiring his reflection from a metal dish. "Oooh, I'm even better looking than I thought." He said to himself. He looked at Astrid, who was testing out a mace and winked at her.

The Hofferson girl caught the wink and rolled her eyes in disgust. She then saw Gobber rubbing his face with a cloth, looking extremely bliss. "You okay there, Gobber?"

"I'm more than okay, I'm in heaven!" Gobber said with a sigh.

Hiccup found a pot of ink. "Oh, that's pure squid ink, from the colossal squid of the Northern waters." Johann explained, rubbing his left shoulder.

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