I sat up in alarm, pushing myself through the snow that had fallen on top of me. 

"Henry!" I screamed, fear tearing through me like a forest on fire. I whipped around, searching for any sign Henry was here. The telltale red and blue of his costume, his dusty blonde hair, any part of him that could signify that he wasn't buried under who knows how much snow; but all I saw was a thick blanket of snow. 

"Henry! Henry Hart!" I screamed. Tears threatened to fall, but decided that they would just stay on the brim of my eyes, as I searched desperately for my sidekick. 

I quickly tap into the coms which had lay off for the mission. 

"Schwoz! Charlotte! Jasper!" I yelled into the com. I could faintly hear them jump in speaker. 

"Yeah Rai? " Schwoz asked, almost a little tiredly, the audacity! 

"Schwoz there was an avalanche, Henry and I were in it. I'm fine but Henry is buried in the snow somewhere and I can't find him, and I'm on the verge of a meltdown here!" I cried into the com. 

"Ok, ok slow down, do you know how far you were pushed away from Henry when you last saw him? " Schwoz asked. 

"You were in an avalanche!" I hear Charlotte yell, along with Jasper rambling about how he knew something was wrong with this mission. Thankfully Piper was in Turks and Caicos with her girlfriends for the rest of the week, she would absolutely lose it if she knew that her brother was buried under who knows how much snow in the Arctic. 

"No everything is the same, snow, ice and water!" I shout. 

"Ok calm down, I'm going to track him." Schwoz said in an uncharacteristic soothing voice. 

"Schwoz this is all my fault!" I yelled, panic pouring out. "I wouldn't shut up about the god damn landscape and I was making fun of him, and gods! Why did I yell so much? He warned me! He told me that this place was highly susceptible to avalanches! But did I listen? Of course not! Gods Schwoz! I made fun of him, said he was shagging Charlotte," ('Hey!' Charlotte shouted through the coms.), "and that he was being boring and he basically begged me to stop and oh my gods, this is all my fault."

"Rai you need to stop. You're not going to help Henry if you're having a meltdown." Charlotte snapped. 

"Rai, Charlotte is right, you need to calm yourself. Take deep breaths, you need to be strong right now." Jasper said gently. 

I nod, pushing tears away from my face that I didn't realize had traveled from the brim of my eyes to my cheeks and uniform. 

"Ok, I've got Henry's location. Rai, walk about 310 steps to the right." 

"Ok." I start my venture. 

"Ok, now, 200 steps forward." Schwoz 

"Stop! " Schwoz commands at about the 178 step. "According to the tracker, you are right in front of him.

I look around, begging that he would be somewhere, sitting against a snow mound or rock, or standing around waiting for me to find him, but I don't see him anywhere, which in turn, terrifies me.

"He's not here." I state, denying the fact that he was buried under the snow. 

"Rai, he is there. He's buried under the snow from the avalanche." Jasper gasped. 

"No." I breathed. 

"Rai, you need to start digging now! If you don't, Henry will either die of suffocation or from hypothermia! " Charlotte commanded with such a tone of fear, authority and desperation that it kicked me into high gear causing me to dig furiously. 

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now