Chapter 14

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I walked through Walmart pushing myself cart while Kali was in it eating an open snickers. I was so hungry and this little guy was pushing on my bladder bad. It's been weeks a little over a month since I been home well to Zae house. I been staying and hiding out at my moms. Every since that day at the doctors I got the vibe that Zae was gonna seriously hurt me so I packed a bag after he fell asleep and I left. He's been looking for me every since.

Da da.!!!! Kali smiled and clapped her hands. I turned around and Kiem was behind me. He scared the shit out of me. "Da da.!" Kali laughed making him smile. I stepped to the side and he looked at me but he had a blank facial expression on his face.

He removed the glasses off my face and my heart dropped into my ass. I didn't know what he was thinking and it was scaring me because he just stood there looking at me.

What are you doing? He questioned still with a blank face.

I'm fine.....

Your not fine Raven you got two black eyes, a busted lip, and bruises on your face. Your hair is thin and your losing weight don't blame that shit on my son cause you pregnant because when you was pregnant with Kali you gained weight. You letting that nigga put his hands on you? He said sternly. The force in his voice scared the hell out of me. "Do I need to take Kali until you get yo shit together? Is she around when he hitting you?"

No....Kiem your not taking my baby!

You think I'm not? He picked Kali up and put her in her car seat buckling her in.

Your not taking my baby Kiem.! I reached for Kali car seat and he yanked her back. Tears swelled in my eyes and his got black and cold.

Get your shit together and you can have her back. Don't do nun stupid either.! He started to walk towards an exit and I grabbed my purse and started to follow him. Tears was flying down my face. And once we where outside I lost it. He placed Kali into his truck and Ryan buckled her in. He slammed the door behind him and turned around to me. He was so angry.

Give me my baby Rockiem.!

Yo what? You want me to treat you like a bitch off the street so fuckin bad don't you? I'm tired yo shit Raven. Your a smart beautiful ass fuckin girl and you gone be dumb and let this nigga hit on you while your pregnant.!? You love that nigga that much you think that shit cute? When you act like a mother and put her first you can get her back. Until than get the fuck out my face yo.!

What? I'm a damn good mother and you know that? I always put her first even when you didn't! Sierra left Kammer for dead, let another woman raise her son, burned his skin with cigarettes, beat his ass to death because he had an accident on his self because she wouldn't let him turn on the light to use the bathroom, did drugs in front of him AND YOU GAVE THAT BITCH ANOTHER BABY.!!!! But I'm the unfit mother? Give me my fuckin baby.!

I also gave you another one too.... and a mistake i made with both y'all.! he got in his truck and sped off quick. I ran to my car and got in driving off quickly. I started to hyperventilate and cry as I drove off but I didn't see which way he went. I kept calling his phone but it only went to voicemail. I called Ryan but it did the same.

After hours of going back to Kiems houses, trap houses, every place I could think of Kiem would be with my daughter I begin to break down. I parked in front of my mom house crying hard before I went into the house. I was distraught.

Raven? My mom questioned coming from the kitchen. She hugged me tight and didn't let me go.

He took her.! He took my baby from me Ma.!

I know baby.!

I pushed her off of me. "You know? You know? What you mean you know?"

I called him and I let him know what was going on Rae, somebody needed to save you. You need to snap back to reality and go home and be safe with your husband. Your in no condition to raise a baby nor Kali right now. Your not even stable.!

I can't believe you.! You told him.! What I went through is on me and I haven't been back in forever. I'm the best thing for my daughter and nobody else. I hate you.! I stormed out of my mothers house and back to my car with only the hopes of finding my baby.

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