the plan

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i leaned up to ruby and told her my plan in a whisper so no one could hear except her. when i was done, she gasped. "omg! that's perfect!" she said excitedly. "i know right?!" i said with a giggle. my plan was very simple, ruby and i need to get pin and coiny to do some kind of adventure together without the others around, and ruby and i will follow them secretly so we can make certain things happen so they'll get closer. "but what can they do together?" i asked. both of us thought for a bit. while we were thinking i could hear pin and coiny talking. "okay, i just realized we're right here, and the island is right there." i hear pin say. "well then, we aren't too far away! once we get done with our break we should head there immediately and check it out." coiny said. "we were planning on doing that anyway." pin said with a laugh.

ruby and i looked at each other after overhearing coiny and pin. we definitely had the same idea. so, we went into our room to talk more after coiny and pin decided to get going again to go over our plan. "okay, so when we get there we should say that we should go with coiny and pin but make every excuse to leave them alone." i said. "except they won't really be alone!" ruby giggled. "yeah, we will be finding every way to make sure they get closer!" i say. we both started to laugh to ourselves while thinking about coiny and pin as a couple. is this weird?.... nah i don't think it is. well, while we were laughing, needle walked into the room. "oh," i guess she didn't seem to realize we'd be in here, "what are you two doing?" she asked us. "nothing!" we both said and started to laugh to ourselves again. "oh-kay..? i'll just grab this," she grabbed something that was on her bed, "and go." she left the room and closed the door.


it has been probably a half hour after we started sailing again, but i don't really know, i wish clock was here so we'd know what time it was. coiny was looking at his map eagerly. "we should be getting close according to the- oH MY MINT I SEE IT!" coiny shouted and pointed to the land that was right ahead of our boat. i gasped at the sight. i was excited to finally explore somewhere new. once we made it over to the island, coiny dropped the anchor. i walked down to where we were about to get off. "here we go, our first adventure!" i say as i put the bridge thing down so we can get off. "wait!" i turned around and saw leafy and ruby. "maybe we should have only a few of us get off and some of us stay on the ship!" leafy said. "yeah! since you and coiny are obvs gonna go, then there should be at least two more!" ruby said. "why not all of us?" firey asked. "because what if, uh, our ship gets attacked or stolen! we need people to protect it!" leafy said. "i think that snowball, firey, and needle should stay while ruby and i go!" coiny and i didn't really know what to think about this. "why you two?! i want to go!" firey whined. "yeah, who would want to stay and watch this lame boat?" snowball said, crossing his arms annoyed. "well, snowball should stay because he's the strongest here, needle should stay because she is extremely good at slapping, and firey should stay because uh, he is also good at slapping, i should know." leafy said. "coiny should know too." firey laughed. "your slaps were nowhere as good as mine!" coiny defended. "wanna test that?" firey challenged. "this is going to be another test you'll get an F on." coiny said. "yeah, if F stands for fantastic!" coiny started to walk up to firey but i put my arm in front of him to stop him from walking any further. "no, guys, don't." i said.

"well, why should you or ruby stay?" snowball said irritably. "uh, because i can be easily ripped!" leafy said. "and i can be easily shattered!" ruby added. "okay okay, we'll just go with this, it does make sense to have some people guarding the ship, and you guys do seem like a suited bunch to do that." i said. "so, c'mon leafy and ruby, let's go." i say as i start to walk off the boat. "yay!" i hear ruby and leafy say together. "aww, but i wanna go!" firey whined. "yeah, i wanted to go too." needle also whined. leafy, ruby, and coiny got off the boat and we started walking on the island.


despite this being the smallest island we'll be on, this island is pretty big. it had a big forest which covered the whole island. "i wonder what kind of treasure we'll find!" pin said excitedly. leafy, ruby, pin, and i were walking down a path in the forest together until we reached two paths that's split up. before any of us could react, leafy says, "well, looks like we have to split up, right, ruby?"
"yeah!" ruby agreed.
"well, i guess me and ruby will go on the right, and you guys can go on the left!" leafy said. "uh," i looked over at pin. "i guess that can work? just be careful, we don't know how dangerous this forest can be." pin said. "okie dokie! c'mon ruby!" leafy and ruby ran down their path. pin and i started to walk down our path. "i wonder what those two are up to.." pin said. "huh?" pin looked over to me. "i mean, i'm not the only one who feels like they are up to something, right?" pin said. "now that i think of it, they were acting kind of strange, but don't they always?" i said. we looked around the forest for a bit. this forest was actually really cool looking. pin and i have been talking the whole time, but with a lot of awkward silences in between. i hate feeling so awkward around pin, and i could tell she was feeling the same. i blame firey.

//a/n: uh hi, this took awhile to come out....yeah sorry- but i hoped you enjoyed this chapter because i had trouble figuring out what to write but i have a good idea about what to write next chapter so don't worry! but i'm NOT saying the next chapter won't take awhile to come out too. it will probably also take awhile seeing as i procrastinate a LOT. anyway sorry and uh bye -sam//

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