oof + possible update schedule

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I'm busy as the next person, because of school shete. I have a tight schedule [jesus christ I have three quizzes in a row tomorrow, lmao-]

Tbh, I thought I can breeze through and fit in one shots in my schedule for the weekdays. Well, I was wrong. Sort of...

So I just gotta wish that there's gonna be a heavy typhoon, so that school can be cancelled and that I can fit in one shots.

I miss my semester break, and the next one's gonna be on December smthn, smthn.

And, here's my schedule for updates [If you guys are wondering, anyway]:
·Monday - Nope
·Tuesday - Nope
·Wednesday - Maybe
·Thursday - Nope
·Friday - Probably yeah?
·Saturday - Yep
·Sunday - Probably yeah?

I'm a busy man, but I promise to update more often when my semester break rolls around!

Have a nice day, and sorry for the inconvenience of IRL stuff!

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