SCP-049 Alphabet Headcanons

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SCP-049 Alphabet Headcanons

A= Affection [Are they affectionate to their s/o?]
·Yeah. Somewhat...
·Well, not in public though-
·I mean- SCP-049 is like a 'professional' guy, and he doesn't really wanna show that he's somewhat of a softie

B= Benefits [What are the benefits being with the character?]
·Uhhh, you get to see what the human insides looks like up close whenever SCP-049 is performing an operation?
·U h, SCP-049 can teach you the basics of 'curing' patients
·Are those benefits?

C= Care [Are they caring to their s/o?]
·Yes, especially if you accidentally hurt yourself-
·SCP-049 knows his touch is lethal, but he really tries to carefully show his care to you. [Wow, that made no sense-]

D= Daring [Are they willing to go the extra mile just for their s/o?]
·Uhh, probably?
·SCP-049's willing to do anything just to keep you safe.
·fist fights aren't counted.

E= Eager [Are they always upbeat for anything?]
·Would rather keep his eagerness to himself.
·Even though you enter his facility.
·He would rather show his professional side.
·Well, maybe his soft side-

F= Flirty [Do they constantly throw pickup lines to their s/o?]
·Not constantly, but a few times.
·Although, SCP-049 isn't smooth with his words.
·Nah, nah jk.
·SCP-049's smooth af, but he would be humble.
·Each pickup line he throws at you makes you blush.
·Well, not every pickup line-

G= Generous [Do they share what they have to their s/o?]
·SCP-049 would share his knowledge about the Great Pestilence
·Over, and over again.
·Well, maybe he would share an SCP-049-J to you too?
·Too dangerous to handle-

H= Harsh [Are they harsh to their s/o?]
·Well, to be blunt, yes.
·I mean- whenever you piss him off. How? Well whenever you distract him while he 'cures' his patients.
·Or whenever you purposefully turn down his ideations of The Great Pestilence.

I= Intelligent [Do they have a high level of intelligence?]
·Yes, that's why he can pretty much 'cure' others with the pestilence.
·And, he does poems from time-to-time.

J= Jestful [Do they joke a lot to their s/o?]
·Well, maybe.
·But, SCP-049's serious about everything.
·His jokes mainly contain dark humor.
·Not for the faint-hearted tbh.

K= Kempt [Do they keep themselves neat and clean? Or do they keep their environment neat and clean?]
·SCP-049's a clean freak.
·Just cleans the mess he made whenever he 'cures' patients.
·Though, SCP-049 seemingly doesn't mind the blood stains on his robe.

L= Laid-back [Are they relaxed whenever they're with their s/o?]
·SCP-049 stops being a fidgety doofus whenever you're around.
·Like, your presence just makes him stop glaring at the camera in his facility.
·Your presence also stops him from slightly feeling paranoid about those people who're infected by The Great Pestilence.

M= Manners [Do they posses good ethics?]
·Yep, SCP-049 still has manners even for a passive-aggressive SCP.
·Tries to also have manners when he gets interviewed. [He's trying to not ramble about how everyone has the pestilence-]

N= Nocturnal [Do they keep themselves up for the whole night?]
·It depends.
·Mostly happens when there's a patient who's difficult to cure.

O= Overprotective [Are they willing to watch their s/o 24/7 for their own safety?]
·y e a h
·Even if it would take others' lives away.
·You're the only known being without the pestilence, so he must preserve it. Protect it.

P= Peaceful [Do they stop wars or fights going on with their s/o? And are they peaceful in themselves?]
·SCP-049 stops the person who you're fighting with by just simply touching said person.
·You'd just go silent, and just say a quick bye.
·Anyway, SCP-049 is peaceful and calm by himself.
·Just don't piss him-

Q= Quiet [Are they a quiet being or very vocal to their s/o?]
·Very vocal.
·SCP-049 rambles about the pestilence and such.
·You can tone him down when you get annoyed by his rants or rambles. But, he would get all pissy. Well rarely, he would comply.

R= Romantic [Do they easily swoon their s/o?]
·Well... Yes?
·SCP-049 isn't a romantic guy, but he can easily swoon you when he's in the mood to feel kinda romantic.

S= Self-confident [Are they confident of their own abilities or at least confident of who they are?]
·He would make an entire speech of his abilities to 'cure' people.

T= Trust [How much trust can you give on the character?]
·Ehh, you don't exactly trust him. [Since he's somewhat of a delusion.]
·So maybe an 80%, or 95%.

U= Unique [Do they have any unique aspects that they could show to their s/o?]
·Not really, tbh.
·He's just a plague doctor.
·All he does is 'cure' people for a living.

V= Violent [Are they violent to anyone or anything?]
·Yes, maybe?
·SCP-049 would gladly use his lethal touch to anyone who's harassing or making fun of you.
·Doesn't get involved to fist fights 'cause you already know why.

W= Wholesome [Are they considerate to their s/o?]
·He listens to most of the things you're going to tell him, and such.
·And, he's going to gladly try and resolve your problems.

[Oof, I am sleepy as shit, and I dislocated my hip. Ouch.]

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