Chapter 7: Back together?🤷🏽‍♀️

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^ Alexis
Maya POV
I was at my locker when Tharin walked up to me.
Tharin: I saw that little stunt u pulled last night.
Maya: Ok and
Tharin: Why u kissing that lame ass nigga.
Maya: *shut her locker* move out my way.
Tharin: Come on, I miss u
Maya: Fuck y-
Tharin kiss Maya. Maya pulls from the kiss.
Tharin: Now, do u miss me
Maya: *smiles* I guess
Tharin: U know u did
Maya: Whatever
Tharin: u going to stop mess with that lame ass Nigga?
Maya: yea
Tharin: ok, gimme a kiss
Maya kiss Tharin, then they walked to class together.

Amare POV
Tharin and Maya walked in the class, I guess they are back together. It still awkward between Maya and I, since she kissed me. Tharin kept looking over at me for some reason.
Tharin: Aye Amare
Tharin: *sit in the seat next to Amare*
So u know me and Maya are back together right.
Tharin: ok, so stay the fuck away from,ok
Amare: ...........
Tharin walks back to where Maya was sitting.

Maya POV
Maya: What were y'all talking about
Tharin: Nothing
Maya: Y'all was talking about something.
Tharin: Don't worried about shorty
Eva walks in and sit in the other seat by Maya.
Eva: Hey Ma- *whisper in Maya's ear*
What is he doing here
Maya: Ask the teach if u can use the bathroom.
Eva: Why, oh *raise hand* Mrs. S can I use the bathroom.
Mrs. S: yes
Maya: Can I go too
Mrs.S: Yea
They walk to the bathroom.
Eva: Why was he sitting next too u
Maya: We are back to together
Eva: Bitch u are dumb, u are dumb
Maya: How
Eva: He cheated on u two times.
Maya: It was one time
Eva: Still
Maya: Wait I did not ask for your input.
Eva: I was just trying to save u from your heart being broke AGAIN but that u. So bye * walks back to the classroom*
I don't know what Eva problem was,but I'm not going to worry about it. I walked back to the classroom.

After class
I walked up Eva, who was at her locker.
Maya: So what was that about in the bathroom.
Eva: I just don't want Tharin to break your heart again.
Maya: he's not
Eva: ok
Maya: know give me a hug
Eva hugs Maya.

After school
Brooklyn, Tete, Eva, and I are going to the mall. Eva and I are going to meet Brooklyn and Tete at the mall. So before I go I did my homework. After that my sister took me and Eva to the mall.

At the mall
Maya: So what store y'all want to go to.
Eva: What about American Eagle
Brooklyn: Yea
We went into American Eagle, Brooklyn and I got some jean from there. Then we went to pink, Eva got: a jacket, perfume, and 2 pair of underwear. I got: 4 underwear, 2 bras, and some pants. Brooklyn got: 5 pair of underwear and 5 bras. Tete got: 2 shirts and 3 pair of pants. We went to other stores and got some stuff, then we went home. When i got home I took a shower and went to bed.
Couple days later
I was chilling at Tharin's house on ig live, when I see a comment from Unique talking mess.
Maya: *look at Tharin* Bae look at this comment.
Tharin: *looks up and read comment* don't pay attention to that mess.
Maya: I'll try
This bitch was still talking shit.

On Ig live
Pyt_Unique: I don't know why U went back to Tharin because he just going to hit my line again.
Pty_Unique: tell Tharin to call me so he can come get so good pussy
Maya: *reads comments* bitch shut your dumb ass up, ugly ass
Pty_Unique: Fuck u
Maya: u on my live come on now
Pty_Unique: fight me
Maya: *reads comment* alrighty pull up, I'm at Tharin's house.
Tharin: U not finna fight no one
Maya: yes I am, she keep talking smack.
Pty_Unique: I'm about to pull up.
Maya: *reads comment* I will be waiting on u outside.
Tharin: u not going be waiting for nobody outside.
Maya: Whatever, alrighty I'm about to get off live, so bye. *ends live*
I put on so biker shorts,put my hair in a low ponytail, and put on some shoes. I wait until Tharin went to the bathroom to go outside.

Tharin POV
I hear the front door beep, so i hurry up to see if that was Maya, which it was.
Tharin: Get back in the house
Maya: no
I pick her up, but she was kicking her feet causing me to drop her. Then a black car pulled up, Unique pop out the passager side of the car.
Unique: Nah let her so I can fight her ugly ass.
Maya run up to Unique and smacked her in the face. They started to fight, I went in the house to get my sister, Alexis to help me stop the fight. I pulled Maya off of Unquie and Alexis held back Unique. Unique accidentally hits Alexis in the face and Alexis stared swinging on Unique. The person that brought Unique over was some dude, he got out the car and stared to kick Alexis. I push him and we stared to fight, then this Nigga took out a gun and shot me in the leg.

Maya POV
I heard a loud pop and I look up and seen Unique's brother with a gun in his hand pointed at Tharin's leg. Alexis and I run over to him, while Unique and her brother hoped in the car and drove away.
Maya: Oh my gosh Tharin
I hold the place of where he got shot so he want loss more blood.
Maya: *crying* stay with me, go call the 911
Alexis went and called 911, they came and took them to the hospital. Alexis called her parents and I called mines. They came and got me, they took me home to clean up before I go to the hospital.
At the hospital
Maya: I'm look for Tharin Jenkins
Nurse: Are u family
Maya: n- yes
Nurse: he in-
Alexis: Maya
I ran to over to Alexis, she was sitting with her parents.
Maya: how is he
Mrs. Jenkins: His in sugary to remove the bullet.
Maya: ok
I sat down next to Alexis waiting for the doctor. After about 30 minutes the doctor came up to us.
Doctor: Mrs and Mr Jenkins
We all stood up.
Mr. Jenkins: yes
Doctor: He out of surgery and he would be recovering well.
Mrs.Jenkins: Thank u Jesus
Alexis: When can we see him.
Doctor: U can now, he is in room 232.
Alexis: thanks
Doctor: no problem
The doctor walks off and we went to Tharin room, he was still asleep. After 5 minutes Tharin walked up.
Tharin: ouch
Mrs. Jenkins: my baby
Alexis: Tharin how do u feel

Tharin POV
I wake with my parents and sister all around me.
Tharin: i'm good
Mom: u had me worry boy
Tharin: *cough* sorry
Mom: it okay
Maya stared to walk up to me, my mom saw that and said
Mom: well we give u two privacy.
My mom, sister, and dad left the room.
Maya stared to cry.
Tharin: Don't cry, come here.
Maya: *cry* this wouldn't have happened if I just listen to u.
Tharin: no, don't blame yourself.
Maya sits on the bed.
Tharin: come lay down
Maya lays down on Tharin's chests and cry herself to sleep.

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