Chapter 5: Aftermath 👊🏽😡

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Amare POV
I hear that it was a fight between Maya and Unique, my sister's ex bestfriend, Unique is a hoe, she tried to talk me but I shut it down. She has been with every guy in the school, I'm surprise she don't have some disease.

Incoming call from Maya
Amare: Hello
Maya:Hey umm, I know u are on the way to school but can I get a ride. I understand if u can't, it just my sister left without me.
Amare: I can get u, just text me your address.
Maya: ok, thanks
Amare:no problem
Maya: well bye
Amare: Bye
I just arrived at Maya's house, she was wait outside. She saw my car and got in.
Maya: Thank u so much, my mom just left for work and I did have no one to take me to school. I was suppose to ride with Tharin but u probably hear what happen.
Amare: Yea
Maya: But that's ok because I known he would cheat, which makes me a dumb bitch, which is gr8
Amare: U are not dumb, u smart and beautiful.
Maya: *smiles* Thanks
They pull of and drive to school.
At school

Maya POV
Went I got school i went to my locker, Tharin came up to me.
Tharin: Hey
Maya: Don't talk to me
Tharin: Can we just talk about happen
Maya:No, u kiss that bitch wich makes us done.
Tharin: No she kiss me
Maya: But I didn't see u pull away from her.
Tharin: can we just talk please
Unique walks up and kiss Tharin on the cheek to be petty. Maya punches Unique in the face, Maya and her start to fight. Tharin pulls Maya off unique and a teacher held Unique back.
Teacher: Both of u to the principal office now.
As I was walking to the principal office I saw everyone recording. It actually felt good to fight her, it might have gotten me three day suspension, it felt good.

Amare POV
I hear that Maya and Unique fought again. She must had really loved Tharin because she keeps fighting Unique over him. That Nigga really mess up because Maya is the best thing. I'm over here talking about her, I should just ask her out. I'm really not look for a relationship.

Maya POV
Since I was suspended from school I left early, my dad had to get me, he was mad.
Maya's dad name is Craig
Craig: U don't good to school to fight and especially over no boy. I don't like your sister and u having a boyfriend.
Maya: Why we are not doing nothing.
Craig: But u suppose to be focusing on school not boys. U know what give me your phone when we get home
Maya: What, why. Dad that not fair
Craig: it is, u just got into a fight at school.
Maya: whatever
Craig: u have me leaving work early.
Maya rolls her eyes and get on her phone.
Makayla POV
There was a knock at the door, I got open and answer it. It was Maya's Ex boyfriend.
Tharin: Hey is Maya here. *had bags in his hand*
Makayla: Yea, but she grounded.
Tharin:oh can u give this to her then.*helds Makayla the bags.
Tharin: bye
Makayla: bye *shuts the door*
My little sister came out of her room
Melody:Who was that
Makayla: no one
Melody: what's in your hand
Makayla: Nothing, stop being nosey.
Melody: oK
I was about to text Maya and tell her to come down stairs but I remember dad took her phone.
Makayla: MAYA
Makayla: COME HERE
Maya: OK
Maya walks down stairs.
Makayla: our little ex boyfriend drop this of for u.
Maya looks in the bags and take it up stairs and throw it on the floor.
The stuff he go her

The stuff he go her

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Maya POV

On the phone with Tharin(call using her sister's phone)
Maya: Why did u buy me that stuff
Tharin: To say I'm sorry
Maya:Well u can come and get it because I'm not wear it and it will be burned
Maya hung up the phone.
He really think i'm going to take him back, well he is wrong.
Amare POV
Maya is back at school today, told Brooklyn about Maya fight her ex bestfriend and Brooklyn was happy and I quote "that bitch got that ass beat". I really don't like all that stuff, so I'm just focus on playing basketball. Speaking about basketball, I saw Maya with her little sister at the playground of the park. She saw me and walked

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