Chapter 6 : House Party🏡🥳

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Maya POV
My friend, Eva and I are going to this house party, it is at night and I know that its no way my parents are going to let me go so I'm just going to sneak out the window. It was getting about time for me to get ready for the party so I went and go see if my parents were sleep, which they were. I hopped in the shower and change into this

without the phoneThen I did my hair like this

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without the phone
Then I did my hair like this

Incoming call from Bestie👯Maya: Hey Eva: Are you ready because I'm outside

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Incoming call from Bestie👯
Maya: Hey
Eva: Are you ready because I'm outside.
Maya: Yea, I will be down there in a minute.
Eva: ok bye
Maya: bye
Hung up the phone
I put some of my pure seduction perfume, grab my bag, then open the window and went out. I walk to Eva's sister car(Eva's sister took them to the party) then got in.
Eva: Hey bestfriend
Maya: Hey
Eva: you ready for this party
Maya: yea
Eva: are u going to hook up with that boy Amare
Maya: I don't know if he will been there.
Eva: I'm pretty sure he will be there.
Maya: *smiles* Put u know who.... will be there.
Eva: oh, yea

At the party
We walk in the house and the smell of weed and alcohol hit my noses. Eva walked off when she saw her boyfriend, so I was by myself. I decide to get something to drink and then I bumped into Brooklyn and some girl.
Maya: oh so-. Brooklyn what are u doing here
Brooklyn: hey Maya, I hear it was party and here we are.
???: Hi
Maya: Hey
Brooklyn: oh, this is tete
Maya: Wait u ddg's sister
Tete: yea
Maya: oh
Brooklyn:look my mom, her mom, and Deshae do not know that we are her.
Maya:ok, I keep my mouth shut
Brooklyn: but anyways why are u here
Maya: my friend dragged me, but she just left me.
Brooklyn: Oh, u can hang with u
Tete: who that boy *points at Tharin*
Brooklyn: That's Maya boyfriend
Maya: No, we break up
Brooklyn: Why
Maya: He was kissing another girl.
Brooklyn: oh
Tete: do u mind if I talk to him.
Maya: no, u can have him
Tete: thanks *walks over to Tharin and start talking*
Maya: Hey is your brother here
Brooklyn: Umm yea, why
Maya: Since I'm single
Brooklyn: oh
"Fuck, got a big ass mouth
Like that
Face to face with it, can't be beefin' through no FaceTime
Cool with all the thugs since my nigga taught me gang signs
Bad bitches, bitches be like, "Where the fuck your waistline?"
Body like a pornstar, he fuck me like he fresh out
Could've fucked your friend but I heard he got a big mouth." Plays over the speakers as Brooklyn and Maya rap the words.
Maya: *laughs*
Amare walks up to Brooklyn.
Amare: What are u doing here Brooklyn.
Brooklyn:I came to party
Amare: Do mom know u here
Brooklyn: No
Amare: then why did u come
Brooklyn: Me and Tete snuck out here.
Amare: where is she
Brooklyn: *points over at tete talking to Tharin*
Amare: Y'all are going to be in a lot of trouble.
Brooklyn: so
Amare: oh, hey Maya
Maya: hey, can I talk to you
Amare: yea
Maya: I will be right back Brooklyn.
Brooklyn: ok
Maya and Amare walk upstairs to a empty room. Maya shuts the door.

Amare POV
I don't know what Maya want to talk to me about.
Amare: So what do u want to talk about.
Maya: Umm.... I li-
Tharin: *bust in the door* Maya what are u doing up here
Maya: minding my business, what are u doing here.
Tharin: I saw u go up here with this boy and thought y'all was doing something.
Maya: And If I was
Tharin: I would have to fight someone because u my girl.
Maya: your girl, u wasn't saying that when u was kiss Unique.
Maya push Tharin to the side to run out the room.
Tharin: If u do anything with her, I will kill u
Amare: She said y'all wasn't dating so
Tharin: So we are going to have problem then.
Amare:I guess so
Tharin need to chill out because "his girl" do not want to be with him. He can get the fuck out of my face with all that.
Tharin walks out of the room. Then Amare walks out and go back downstairs.
I saw Maya sating in a corner by herself, oh her phone. So I walked over to where she was sitting and sat next to her.
Amare: hey
Amare: what were you going to tell me.
Maya: oh, don't worry about.
Amare: ok

Maya POV
I saw Tharin across the room looking at me and Amare talking, so I decided to give him something to look at. I kiss Amare on the lips. Tharin clenched his jaw and look away.
Amare: What was that for.
Maya: I saw Tharin looking over here, so I give him something to look at.
Amare didn't say nothing, he just look down at his phone. We did not say nothing to each other. I saw Eva across the room, so I got up and walked over to her.
Eva: Hey did u talk to u know who
Maya: No, Tharin walked in
Eva: oh
Brooklyn and Tete walks up yo Maya.
Brooklyn: We are about to go
Maya:ok bye
Tete: Its was nice to meet u
Maya:u too
Brooklyn and Tete left the party.
Eva: Are u ready to go
Maya: yea
Eva calls her sister to come get them. Her came and got them and took Maya home.
When I got home I climbed back into the window, thank God the window was still open. When I got back in my room I close the window. Then I took a shower because I smell like weed. I got on my phone until I fall asleep.
I finally got my phone back, after three whole weeks. When I got my phone back I had hella notifications. Most of them were about people commenting, subscribing, or liking my videos. It been a while seen I made a video, so I got up got my ring light and start to film a clean my room with me video. I would be getting two things done. After that I just when on Instagram and then took a nap. ************************************
I was woke up by Melody shacking me.
Maya: *sleep voice* What
Melody: someone is here to see u
Maya: Who is it
Melody: I think his name is Amare
Maya: oh, ok
I got up look at myself in the mirror, fix my hair. Then I walked downstairs, I saw Amare sitting on the couch.
Maya: hey Amare
Amare: hey, I have something to tell u
Maya: ok
Amare: I like u, do u want to date.
Maya: wow umm..... Yea
I sat down next to Amare and his lead in to kiss and I............ Woke up from that dream.
Gets up and look at her phone.
Maya: Well damn, it was just a dream.

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