Chapter 6: Jacob

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Last night was hell. As usual. I groaned and held onto my stomach. I tried to hold back my tears but the pain hurt so bad. It was unbearable.

"Does it hurt?" He taunts. I just closed my eyes and tried to block him out. I buried my face into the pillow choking on my screams. "Brother." William came in.

"I'm almost done." "She won't hold. She's dying." He said. "Not my problem." "You've been at it for hours. She's done being tortured. For now." He said.

I whined and let a scream out. "There it is. What I've been waiting for." He says. I sobbed for it to stop. He grabbed me and held me close to him. "P-please, it hurts." I cried out.

"Oh, I know love. I know." I pushed myself away from him falling to the ground. I curled up into a ball. I'll die. I'm done with life. I can't take it anymore.

Just kill me already. I've suffered enough. Please just end it. I felt my heartbeat slowing down to one beat. I closed my eyes. I don't care anymore. The air in my lungs were gone. This is it.

"Damon!" Was the last thing I heard.

I picked her up and feed her my blood. "You idiot." William spat. "She's mine. I'll do whatever I please, brother. You have Claire go to her and leave me alone. She won't be stuck here forever. Unless I want her to." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Keep it up and she'll be dead for good." He says and walks away. I sighed putting her back in her bed.

I gasped for air and shot up. I clutched my chest as my body was shot with pain. "You're alive." He said. "Why didn't you leave me dead? What do you want from me!" I shouted. I'm tired of being brought back to life.

"You already ruined my life. What do you want." I cried. "Well, if you were smart-" "I am. I wasn't dumb. I made the wrong choice. How was I supposed to know.

I thought it was a joke. Okay. I'm sorry. Alright. It won't happen again. If you want me dead, kill me please. I'm begging you. Just end it already. I've suffered enough." I sobbed.

I pulled my hair curling into a ball. I hate my life. I hate the decisions I've made. I don't want this life anymore. "Stop pulling at your hair." I jerked away from him.

"Aj." "No." I spat. Feeling all the pain again and I cried out. "Listen to me. You belong to me. I do what I want when I want. Yeah you made a mistake, now you have to suffer. You chose this route." He grabbed me so I was facing him.

"This is your fault. No one else's but yours. Others shouldn't have to suffer because of you." He growled. I whimpered. He let go of me leaving the room slamming the door. "Fuck." I cried.

I was in my room lying on my bed. She's gonna be the death of me. "Damon." "Not now William." "I'm going out. The guards are on duty. The book is safe." He said. I nodded.

I don't know what I'll do with her. Im done torturing her. It's getting old. Im surprised shes lasted this long. "Master." "What is it?" "The girl. She stopped breathing." I shot up running out of the room.

I ran to her room busting through the door. I ran to her feeling her heartbeat. It was slow and steady. "I thought you said she wasn't breathing!"

"I just wanted to see if you'd care if she lived or not." I turned to see my cousin. "Jacob?" "Surprise." He said. "Torture and then love. Isn't that how it's always been." He stalks towards me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" "Visiting. Here to see my favorite cousin of course. So what was it this time? Love at first sight or did she steal your book? Or did she fall from the sky?"

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