Chapter 7: Mind Games

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I woke up numb. Last night events replayed in my head. The pain the burning. Everything was coming back and i whined.
"Aj?" A groggy voice spoke.

"H-hurt." I whimpered.

"It's all in your head. You're okay." He says. The pain soon fades away and I sighed.

"Good morning." I looked at the corner of the room and saw  Jacob.

"Damon." I called and Damon was gone.

"Sorry love, but we're in your head." He smiles.

"What do you want from me?"

"Always the same questions. I'm here to prove to my cold not so cold hearted cousin that it is okay to have feelings. To let your guard down every once and a while." He shrugs.

"What does that have to do with me? What have I done for him to fall for me?"

"Well, for starters. You my dear are the only person who is brave enough to steal the book. Two everyone else who have tried has failed and died. And lastly, its my job love. My job to get the truth out of others. Its really fun actually." He giggles a little.

"So, by doing that you cause me to almost die?! How is that fun?" I exclaimed and he looks at me in awe.

"Well, that was the beginning. The fun part starts now."

And he snapped his fingers to where we ended up in a different part of castle.

"Where are we?"

But I was alone. I tried to find a way out but it was no use.

"Aj?" I turned to see Claire.


I ran to her and hugged her.

"What are you doing back here?"

"I came to get you."

"But, I thought?"

"Come on, they said we could go." She grabbed my hand and it felt cold.


She looked at me. This wasn't Claire.


I yanked my hand away and ran the opposite direction.

"You must be as stupid as you look." The demon stood before me. I started to panic. This is not happening.

"Jacob stop this please!" I begged. The demon charged at me knocking me down. It cut my arms.

"Jacob!" I cried out. Nothing.

"Damon!" I shot up panting as Damon looked at me worried.

"Are you alright?"

"Are you real?" I asked.

I dont know whats real and whats fake.

"Of course I'm real. What the hell is going?"

"Jacob, he was in my head."

"Oh, like this?"

And he appeared in front of me.

"No!" I got out of the bed but the door was locked.

"Please." I begged.

"Its taking him a while. He's quite held up at the moment." He smirked.

"Lets bring his babies here."

And the hellhounds appeared.


They attacked me and i screamed in pain.

"Jacob, please."

I kicked and thrashed around crawling into a corner. They vanished and the poison shot through me.

"This is terrible." He waved his hand and I couldn't breath.

"S-stop." I wheezed and held my chest. Its happening again.

"I will end you!" The doors flew open. "I said leave her alone!"

"Took you long enough." Jacob waved his hand and i fell numb. The pain didn't go away fully.

"Why is it that you are being so difficult?"

"Leave my Kingdom! Don't come back." Damn command and Jacob looked at me. My bones began to crack and i screamed in pain.

"Jacob!" Damn shouted and he stopped.

"Admit it. One way or another." And he vanished.

"Aj." And I blacked out.

After everything that happened I kept her by my side. She hasn't woken up since the incident that happened earlier.


"Why is he hurting her and why does he so badly want me to confess my feelings about some girl I don't love."

"Its because you do love her. You just don't know it yet. And if you didn't, you'd let him kill her."

"She's my prisoner."

"Like every other prisoner, you killed them right on the spot."

"I don't have time for his mind tricks."

"He'll keep coming. There's no stopping him."

"He's right. And until you do, cousin. She belongs to me."

Aj disappeared from my arms and into his.

"I'm warning you Jacob."

"You have until next month. Or the girl dies." And with that they vanished.


"Leave me."

Jacob's Kingdom

I placed her in the bed. My cousin is so stubborn. "He'll come around." My sister said. "He always does. Let's just hope she is the one for him." I said and with that we left her. "So how is our dear cousin and why is that girl so important?" She asked. "Aj, is important because she stole his book. She's one brave girl but also stupid. She also needs to work on her Italian. She got her friend mixed up into this mess but they let her go removing Aj from her life snd replacing it with William. William caved in quickly when I went after Claire." "Thats because William loves easily. He may be a demon but he is a softy." She says and I agreed. "So what do we do with the girl?" "You my darling can have fun with her. Knowing Damon, he'll wait exactly a month." And she vanished.

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