Chapter 3: Let's Make A Deal

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I woke up not in a good mood. I stayed up still five and it's now seven in the morning. School doesn't start till nine but I have to get dressed, pick up Claire and then head down there. I also couldn't get that guy out of my head and what he was saying.

I don't speak gibberish. I groaned and got up. Threw on sweats and grabbed my things. The book was in my bag but Claire doesn't have to know.

"I'm out mom." I said kissing her cheek and leaving. I got in my car and drive to Claire's.

"Heyo." She says in a good mood.

"Hey." I said and started the car.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"So did anything happen last night?"

"No. Nothing special." I said.

"Okay." She shrugs.

"What about you?"

"Someone showed up at my door. He was cute. Different from us. But cute." She smiled.

"What did this boy look like?"

"He was tall, black short hair, he had tattoos and a couple of piercings in his ears."

"Wow. I think we might have seen that same guy."


"Yeah, he was speaking in Italian."

"Oh, same." She said.

"Stay with me tonight?"

"You read my mind." She said. We made it to school getting out and going to class.

"Should we go in or?"

"We can walk around." William suggested.

"Okay." I said. We got into the school. We were invisible. No human could see us unless we wanted them to.

"The air up here is suffocating." William said.

"Relax. I think I found our girls." I said. He jumps in excitement.

"Let's have some fun." He suggests. We walked over to them.

"Aj you brought the book? I thought I said leave it." "Well, I want answers and this thing will give it to us. Last night was weird. We saw the same person and he didn't look anything human."

"I know I agreed to come over but now I'm freaking out." "Claire. Grow some balls and let's go. It'll be fine. I promise. After this, we'll return the book."

"Returning the book won't be so easy." I said.

"You feel that?"


"Something or someone is watching us."

"Aj stop it."


"Fuck off." They both started to walk away.


It was lunchtime and we left the school.


"Claire we are just going to my car. Relax."


"What!" I turned around to see two guys standing by my car.

"Dude get away from my car." I said. They both smirked.

"Aj doesn't that one look familiar?"

"Yeah, hey! What's your deal creep?" I said as we reached the car. Claire standing behind me.

"Sono bellissimi. Facciamo un affare che non possono rifiutare." The other boy said.

"What did he say?"

"I don't know. My Italian isn't that good." Claire said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Voi. Hai il mio libro.Voglio fare un accordo."

"He wants to make a deal."

"Deal? What deal."

"Something we can't refuse. I told you to put the book back." She whispered the last part to me.

"What kind of deal?"

"La tua vita." He smirks.

"No." Claire spat.


"Your life. You can't have her."

"Its just a book. If you want it. Here. Take it." I said.

"Non è così facile. Vedi, leggi il libro. Hai aperto il libro. Hai visto cosa c'era nel libro e sono venuto a trovarti. La mia principessa."

"English please." I spat.

"Learn Italian. Maybe you'll understand more." He said.

"So you do speak English. You can't have my soul nor my life. You want the book take it."

"How bout this. You come with me willingly serve your time and then I'll let you go. If you refuse then how would your mother feel with your body parts showing up one by one?"
He smirks.

"You aren't serious. It's just a book."

"I'll give you three days to make up your mind. Until next time." He said and they disappeared.


"I don't believe it. Let's go." I said and we walked back into the school.


School ended and Claire had her things packed. "Aj I'm scared." "Its fine. Let's see how we can get out of this mess."

"We? I did no such thing. I shouldn't be brought into this!" "Relax." I said. She sighs. We made it to my house. "Ah, Claire you're here." "Yeah, spending the night." "That's good. Well, go get situated. And dinner will be ready around six."

"Okay." I said and we went upstairs. I took the book out and placed it on my desk. "Does she know?" "Nope. And she's not going to." "What are you going to do?"

"Figure out how to get out of this mess." "How?" "I have no clue." I said looking at the book. "If I said I'll go along with the deal, what would you do?"

"Kick your ass and tell you to choose another idea. I'm not losing my best friend to some demon because she took a book." "When I read it yesterday, it said my journey has begun. Lucifer so-called found me and now I have to make a deal.

This book has to have some way around it and you're gonna help me." "I told you my Italian isn't that good." "Doesn't matter. We just need the important stuff." I said.

She nodded and we went through the book until dinner time.


"Is the room ready?" "Yes, sir." "Good, tonight we take them." "Can't believe they fell for the three-day deal. Humans are so easily manipulated." William laughs.

"What about her mother?" He asks. "She'll be fine. We have no use for her." "Say her daughter was kidnapped?"

"Nah, let her live her life. She's young for a mother." I said. She wouldn't care anyway. 3 am is when we strike. I smiled sinisterly.


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