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I'm not writing, writing but I'm writing again. This is one of my stories I've been dying to publish. I just started this book somewhere else and I have some good friends I had to read over it and let me know what they think. There are already six chapters done. I don't know how long they are but I will say some will be longer than others and some will be shorter than others all depends on the plot. I really hope this book gets so much love and support. I would love feed back and things like that but hey if you enjoy the book go ahead and vote and comment.😙 Anyways Chapter one will be up after this😙

Here are the Character descriptions for the book

Aj: Curious kind, 16-year-old. Gets herself in situations she shouldn't be in.

Damon: Lucifer. The king of Hell. Trickster. Teenage form he's 18 years old.

Claire: Aj's best friend. Smart and stays out of trouble. Good girl. 17 years old.

William: Damon's younger brother. Also a trickster. Dealmaker. 17 years old.


The Devil's Book [SLOW UPDATES]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora