Chapter 4: Hell

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I woke up feeling hot. I kicked my covers off. I was sweating like my mother made it a thousand degrees in the house. "Claire?" I saw her standing in the corner of my room.

"Claire what are you doing?" I asked sitting up. Seeing her face clearly she had been crying and she's trembling. "Claire?" "Sweet sweet Aj." I turned to see that guy standing in my room.

"What are you doing to her." "Oh me? Nothing. William." He smirks. I ran to punch him only to fall to my knees feeling suffocated. It was hard to breathe.

"Pensi di potermi combattere? Bambino stupido. William lascia andare. Il nostro lavoro è stato abbastanza semplice."  I blacked out.

How easy, I wish it was a bit harder. I love the challenge. Too bad though. I looked at the little girl in my arms whimpering. Turning her was an option but I want her to suffer a little. No one takes my book without consequences.

"P-please. Don't do this." The other girl cries. "Aw, but we have to." "No." She cries. "It's gonna be alright love, you didn't take the book.

It was your friend who is making you suffer. She's at fault. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. Not unless you disobey me, love. Now I can't say the same for your friend but you'll be alright." He smiles.

She seemed to believe him. Bad mistake. "You see darling, you were smart not to go to that Cave. It belongs to me and every human that's tried to keep my book has failed. Has died. Let's see if miss risk-taker can survive. And if she does you both are free." I said. She didn't say a word. "What will happen to me?" She asked. "You'll be safe with my brother. He'll take great care of you, my dear. You just have to listen to every command. Understand?"

"Yes." "Good." William growls. "Take her to her room." I ordered and they took her away. I looked back at the one that's really in trouble. Her body hasn't adjusted to the atmosphere here.

"Don't worry my love. Il tuo momento arriverà." I walked to her new room. Ah, this is gonna be fun.


I woke up to pain. I couldn't move, my head was pounding and I was sweating. I wanted to know if Claire was okay. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have done what I did. I'm so stupid now I have to suffer.

We couldn't find anything from the book. Like there's no way out. My mouth is dry. I can't open my eyes. I whined at the thought.

"Ah, sei sveglio." I wanted to punch that voice. I hate him. "Cats got your tongue?" He teases. I couldn't say anything. "Should we start your punishment now?"

"Mmmm. Mmmm." I cried. He laughs sinisterly. Tears fell from my eyes. "Shh. You want the pain to stop?" I nodded my head frantically. I knew he was enjoying this. "I'll think about it." I groaned.

"You got some guts love. Taking  the devil's book. You outran my guards and you are still breathing. You should be thanking me I haven't killed you yet." He says.

"L-let m-me go." I breathed out. "Now why would I do that?" "Let Cl-Claire go. Please. She didn't do anything." I cried. "Oh, your friend. She was smart. We might let her go. She's well behaved if you ask me." This bastard.

"D-don't hurt her!" I screamed regretting it instantly. I cried out in pain. "Now that wasn't nice, was it?" He chuckles. "I'll see you tomorrow. If you survive tonight." He laughs while leaving the room. What the hell did I get myself into?

The next morning...

I was able to move but not a lot. I was hungry and thirsty. I need air. I'm surprised I'm alive right now. The light hurts my eyes that I have to keep them shut.

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