Chapter 1: Forbidden Cave

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I know this sounds crazy but I've got to see what's in that cave. Now the sign said enter if you dare right? So I dared myself to go in.

My friend Claire didn't want to tag along because she was scared and didn't want to ruin her perfect image. So I left her and came down here at devil's hour because I like the scary and I like torturing myself so there's that.

My heartbeat is pounding to the point where you can hear it. That's how excited and scared I am. Plus I'm alone. "Okay, you go this Aj. Just walk in and see and get the hell out." I pep-talked myself.

I was at the entrance of the cave. I took a deep breath in and out. I got this. Don't be a chicken. How bad can it be? I walked in with my flashlight and this cave was longer than I thought. As I got far enough into the cave I began to calm down a little bit.

"Not so bad," I said to myself. I kept walking until a shining light came into view. A book was just sitting in the middle. "Who the fuck leaves a book in a cave?" I asked.

I walked up to it and it glowed. I opened it and a loud screeching sound came from it. I covered my ears. I quickly closed the book. "The fuck was that?" I looked around.

Everything was the same. I sighed. I took the book and left the cave. Well leaving would be easy but it wasn't. The damn cave began to shake and stones were flying everywhere.

I made it out alive. Then I heard howling and roaring. Fire burning hounds came out of nowhere and I swear I almost shit myself. I screamed and then thought twice and ran.

Book in hand and eyes forward. There was no doubt those dogs or whatever those were, were following me. The screeching sound came again but it wasn't from the book.

I got into my car put it in drive and sped out of the woods. The road began to shake like an earthquake were to happen. My heart was long gone. Everything was so surreal.

I made it home locking every door and window. I went to my room locking my door my windows and everything. I placed the book on my desk. "You caused me a lot of shit." I cussed. I took off my jacket and shoes. School starts tomorrow morning.

I sat at my desk and actually looked at the book. It was named Il Libro del Diavolo. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Aj?" I stood up.


"Child what are you doing up this late. You have school."

"I know. I was doing some last-minute studying." I said.

"Mhm, get to bed young lady." She said and left. I sighed in relief. "I'll get back to you in the morning." I put the book on my shelf and went to bed.

First chapter. Hope you like it.


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