Chapter 5: Alone

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It's been three weeks. Three weeks since I was taken. He was right, Claire never asked for me. Looked for me. Nothing. They let her go but took her memories away. She'll remember William as a close friend. Replaced me with him.

I've been beaten and tortured every day and night. My mother got pregnant with her boyfriend. The world keeps going as if I never existed.

It was my fault, now I have to suffer. "Good morning!" Lucifer walks in. "Ready to eat?" "No." "No?" "I'm not hungry." "Okay. Shall we start on our activities."

"Whatever you want." I was done with life. "My risk taker is letting me pick. How about my sweet babies. They want to play with you." The hounds showed up.

Fuck. I scream and run in vain. "You never learn. Running is their favorite game. Go get her." He lets them go and chase after me around the kingdom.

I fell and they all surrounded me and started to bite me. I tried to fight them off. Kicking and punching. Once I got free I ran again only to be shot with pain.

"What a show!" He claps from above. "Poor girl." He clicks his tongue. "So tough yet so weak." He jumps. "Away." He waves his hands and the hounds are gone. "Ooh, those will leave a mark." He smiled.

"You're enjoying this. You love seeing people in pain. Begging at your feet. Crying for help in vain. Knowing no one will save them." "You are smart." "Fuck you and hell. Torture me all you want. If you want to kill me do it already."

"Oh, but if I do...your body stays here and so does your soul. You belong to me. In life and death." I groaned feeling weak. "Hungry now?" "No."

"Stubborn. I like it. You've gotten braver but stupider. You'll always be stupid." He says leaving me on the ground. I laid there. The hounds can eat me up or I can just fall in the depths of hell right now.

I don't care anymore. I miss my mom. My friends. My life. I cried silently on the floor. Who cares about me? No one. "Aw, poor human girl," William says. I ignored him. "My brother has been so mean to you, ugh it's terrible." He says.

"Leave me alone." "But you are alone sweetheart." "I know." I crooked out. "Awe poor baby." I was lifted in the air. And then floated to a room. "You need to rest. Those bites are fatal." He says opening the door placing me in the bed.

"Sleep tight." He leaves shutting the door and I just let the darkness take over.

"Such a shame." I sighed as I sat at my throne. "You really damaged her." William said. "I know. She's becoming more weaker and stupider. I almost feel bad for her."

"She'll learn. One way or another." He says. "Should I let the poison sink in or-" "Now where the fun in that?" William asked. "Right." I said. I think she's had enough for today. I'll go check on her."

"She's in her room." William. I nodded heading over to her. I opened her door to see her sleeping. I walked over to her. "Se non fosse stato per mio fratello, ormai saresti morto." I held her in my arms and bit my arm feeding her my blood.

"Listen to your friend next time." I said softly laying her back in her bed. "What are we gonna do now?"

I woke up feeling a little better. My wounds were gone and the lights weren't as bright as before. "How was your beauty sleep?" He asked and I stayed quiet. "Not speaking?" He asks again.

"Okay, come, you see need a bath." He says. I didn't move. "Listen, I'm being nice. Now let's go or my babies can play with you again." He says. I looked at him to see if he was serious.

"Tik tok." I got out of my bed, my bed, this isn't even my home. I need to get out of here. I don't even know what time it is. "Good girl." He says. I stayed behind him looking around.

"There's no way out." He comments. "I wasn't looking for one." I said softly. I really wasn't. I've never actually seen the kingdom. It's nothing but fire and that's it.

"We are here." He claps. "Where are we exactly?" I asked. "Bathhouse." "A bathhouse?" "Where you take a bath. Are you dumb or are you dumb?" He spat.

He's been calling me that ever since I got here. I know I was wrong, I get it now. Tears burned my eyes. "You coming?" He asked standing there clearly annoyed so I didn't say a word and walked in.

The inside was huge. "Here are your towels and whatnot. A clean pair of clothes and shampoo and conditioner is over there. Do you need my help or do you understand."

"I got it." I said taking the clothes and walking away from him. I sighed, I hate this place. I waited for him to turn around so I quickly took off my clothes and got into the water. I began to wash myself. After that, I washed my hair and conditioned it.

I got out wrapping myself in the towel going to the changing room. I dried off and put my clothes on. My hair still wrapped in the towel. "So you are smart." He teased. I sighed and sat somewhere far away from him. "Going mute?" He asked. "No." I said softly. He comes to me and I backed away.

"Aj." He said in a warning tone, so I froze in my spot and let him come to me. "Scared?" "No." "Liar." "I'm not lying." I said. He sighs and grins. "You're heart is beating hella fast my love. Do you really take me as a fool?" He asked tilting his head.

I couldn't respond. "That's what I thought." He said. He pulled away from me. "Come, I'll take you back to your room." He said leaving. I followed after him. We made it to my room, again with the my. I sat on the bed taking the towel off my head.

"Here. Brush your hair and I'll be back with dinner." "I'm not-" "I didn't ask." He cuts me off and leaves. I sighed. Afraid I'll get poisoned again. So I brushed my hair and threw it up as usual.

I just sat there with my knees to my chest, waiting. What hell awaits for me when he returns.


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