Ask me what it's like to have myself so figured out. wish I knew with Nestor

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Ask me what it's like to have myself so figured out. wish I knew.

I rest my head against the cool metal of the staircase, holding a mug of tea in my hand, it went cold hours ago but I have no strength to put it down or move.

"You cannot be comfortable there" a soft gravelly voice says as it rounds the corner, looking up I realise its one of Miguel's security guards.

"I don't really have the strength to move" I retort.

"Do you need some help?" he asks I hear genuine concern in his voice as he walks closer leading on the railing.

"I'm okay, I'll figure it out" I reply looking up at him, his brown eyes are soft and worried "Its Nestor right?" I ask.

He just nods

"I'm Claire, Emily's sister" I say "which you probably already know, since that's like your job" I stammer out shaking my head.

Nestor just laughs "yeah that's part of my job" I hear his phone buzzes and he takes it out of his pocket walking off he doesn't say anything.

"Idiot" I mutter to myself, looking back down at my mug of tea getting lost back in my thoughts I don't notice that someone is sitting next to me until I'm nudged. I jump, looking over I see Nestor sitting next to me.

"Shit you scared me," I say, looking down at the tea I spilled on my pyjama pants.

He lets out a little chuckle "sorry" he shrugs taking the old mug of tea out of my hand and placing it on the steps in front of him, reaching behind him he hands me a fresh hot mug.

"Figured you might want this" he says "and maybe an ear to listen"

"Is that part of your job?" I snip.

Nestor just raises an eyebrow at me but he doesn't move.

Sighing I take a sip of my tea, looking at him, "do you really want to know?" I ask.

"I'm a good listener" he says taking a sip from his own cup.

Shrugging I turn to face him, tucking my legs up and resting my back on the staircase banister.

"What do you know about mine and Emily's family?" I enquire.

He takes a sip of his coffee, pausing he avoids my eyes "just snippets of what Emily has told me"

Rolling my eyes I shake my head "well here's the overview my mother is a money hungry tyrant who will stop at nothing to ensure her legacy is perfect. Emily got out because she saw through our mothers bullshit, me, it took a lot longer." I take a sip of my tea before continuing "two days ago I was supposed to marry a man named Evan, Evan is an investment banker from a good family, who are incredibly rich, we were supposed to have 2.5 kids, a beautiful house with a white picket fence and maybe a cute dog"

I stop trying to calm myself, tears threatening to spill out my eyes.

"What happened?" Nestor asks softly.

"I realised I didn't love Evan, and I didn't want the life my mother had planned out for me. So I ran away, my mother has disowned me and now here I sit in my sisters house at 25 years old, no job, no career prospects, no husband and no money" I stammer out the last part, tears start to fall, before I know it I'm sobbing.

Nestor reaches over taking the mug out of my hands, placing it on the stairs behind him, he takes my hands in his and pulls me close engulfing my body in his, he smells like gunpowder, and fresh earth. He gently rubs my back as I cry into his chest. I don't even know him but I feel so much calmer in his arms, Nestor has an instant soothing effect on me.

"Claire, you know Emily told you, you can stay here for as long as you like. You have time to figure it out. You're smart, you were top of your class at UCLA, you will find a job Miguel will help you. This is your family now" he murmurs into my ear.

He continues to hold me as cry, slowly my sobs go from hysterical body wracking sobs to soft tears, I pull away from Nestor and I sense his hesitation when I pull back. He softly wipes my tears away.

"Thank you" I say unsure of how I will ever repay him for his kindness.

"Just don't tell anyone I'm this nice" he says with a wink.

Laughing I lean in kissing him on the cheek "this will be our little secret," I whisper. 

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