The restaurant looks the same for the most part. A few tables have been switched around but there's still a salad bar placed strategically in the middle of the room surrounded by hanging lights and pictures of the original owners hanging behind the counter.

It's the steryotypical small town restaurant but I absolutely love it.

"Have you talked to dad lately?" I ask Mom curiously and she nods.

Even though my parents are in divorce, they still talk on a regular basis like old friends would. If I didn't know any better I might would think they'll get back together, but I do know better.

"Yea, I texted him while you were goggling over the house and told him we made it home safe."

The waitress brings us our food and I give her a thankful smile before she walks away.

"After we eat I'm thinking about getting a haircut."

Her statement surprises me and I look up from my plate of food to gape at her.

"You're cutting your hair?" I ask with disbelief and she nods.

My mother loves her hair more than she loves anything. The first thing I think of when my mind wanders to her is the love she has for her hair. She's proud of her gorgeous brown hair that falls to her waist in beautiful wavy locks.

I got my mothers hair, but somehow it's prettier on her than it is on me.

Everything about her is pretty. Her petite figure that stands just an inch over my five foot two. Her beautiful green eyes that shine like an emerald stone and her small, round nose that sits like a button in the center of her face.

"I'm in the mood to do something bizarre." She sits up straighter and shrugs, "Granted, I'll probable cry like a baby after it happens but I'm ready for a change."

I nod, "I guess I can understand that." I say simply, not wanting to encourage her because I'm certain she'll regret it later. But she'd look amazing no matter what she wore on her head.

We spend the rest of dinner catching up on things.

She tells me about how she talked to a college professor for a little while but then she found out he has an obsession with bugs so she cut that off quick.

That's another thing I got from my mom, fear of spiders.

Even though my mom and I talked on the phone at least every other day while I was with dad, it's nothing like having her back in front of me again. I didn't realize how much I missed her until I saw her at the airport and all I could do was grin and run up to my mommy like an eight year old.

Begin able to reach over and hug her wasn't an option over the phone and it's amazing to be able to wrap my arms around her if I need to.

When we're finished eating we make our way back to the car and after a short drive, she pulls into the barber shop parking lot.

I guess she was serious about the haircut.

I'm about to get out of the car when she grabs my arm to stop me, "You're going to get dog food for your dog and unless you want to keep your room a dark blue, grab some paint too."

She answers my mental question as she types in the store name into the GPS. I love how she understands my struggle of not knowing where everything is just yet. I lived here two years ago and even then I couldn't drive so I didn't try remembering where anything was. It's going to take some getting used to until I know my way around. But luckily, I have a trusted GPS to guide me through the small town.

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