"What do we got?" Caldwell asked with interest.

"It's a life pod of some kind," John said crossing his arms over his chest.

"It appears to have been designed for the sole purpose of maintaining a single human life in stasis. This one is a female," Beckett said as he bustled around the pod double checking his readings. His whole focus was one the life inside the pod while Zalenka, Kai and McKay were monitoring the technology.

"There's another one in a decaying orbit, but ah, we could only fit the one in the jumper," John explained.

Weir stepped up next to the pod. "I've already sent Lorne and his team to retrieve the second pod. Ronon and Teyla are with them."

McKay popped up from underneath the pod, his tablet cradled in his arm. "Okay, we're ready to crack her open," he pulled up in surprise when he saw Caldwell. His eyes flickered to Sheppard, who still seemed uncomfortable but wasn't upset by his presence. "Hey," he greeted awkwardly.

"Hello Doctor."

McKay activated the pod and the door slid open to reveal a very old woman. She was wearing what looked like a flight suit.

Beckett checked his instruments. "She's alive, barely...I believe we found her very near the end. All the major organs are shutting down."

"How long was she out there?" Weir asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"There's no way to tell for certain."

Kai was working her way through the pods main computer but couldn't find a date of execution of the pod. Which didn't seem likely. Anyone who would retrieve the pod would need information about what happened. It was a huge design flaw to not have the information available.

"So she could be an ancient," Elizabeth said excitedly.

"Ah, the pod design makes me doubt that," McKay said. "Kai are you finding any information?"


McKay stepped up next to her, practically shoving her out of the way. "Let me check," he ordered. Kai quickly stepped aside, nearly tripping to get out of his way. She almost crashed into Sheppard. He reached out to steady her and snatched his hands back at the last moment. They met each others gaze and turned away from each other.

"There's no information here," McKay said, disgruntled.

"As I said," Kai replied with a nod.

Sheppard's eyes flickered to her once more, but he didn't react with his typical smile. He clenched his jaw as he looked back at the pod.

"It's a shame she can't speak with us," Weir said sadly. She took a step closer to the pod so she was standing directly over the woman. "Just imagine what she could tell us about her people and what happened to her," she added taking another step closer.

There was a blast of white light that caught Weir straight in the face. Her whole body went rigid and collapsed back, unconscious.

"Elizabeth!" John called and he and Caldwell caught her before she could hit the floor. They carefully lowered her to the floor.

"We need a medical team stat!" Beckett yelled and jogged over to their side of the pod and began working over Elizabeth.

"What the hell was that?" McKay asked sharply.

Kai frowned, her fingers skittering over her laptop as she re-read the analysis. "Some kind of data burst," she said. "I have no idea where it came from," she said looking up gravely.

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