Chapter 1: Ugh, dragon trappers

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Astrid had won the dragon race again. I had been a very close second. The crowd cheers for Astrid and Stoick was cheering the loudest. My father looked a little less amused than Stoick, but smiled to me, none the less. I looked at Astrid and laughed. Then I looked back at my brother, Snotlout. Ugh, he didn't even try winning this race! Just because he's trying to woo Ruffnut, who wasn't even close to interested. What a waste of time.
-Y/N! Astrid says. I look at her and she motions to come with her. She flies down to the village where people are congratulating her and she's looking around for Hiccup... But he's nowhere to be seen.
-Well, What a surprise! I say and turn a whole 360 turn.
-The young Haddock is nowhere to be seen! I say and lean on a nearby bench. Astrid sighs and turns around, looking at me and sighs.
-Would you help me find him?.... Again? she asks. I chuckle and stand up.
-Sure I can... But you owe me, I say. We walk towards our dragons.
-What do you say if we go for a fly, hmm? I ask my d/t. She gurgles happily in response. They could probably fly for hours without getting tired. I jump onto my saddle on their back and we fly.

I spot a figure sitting on a lonely island.
-Hey, isn't that him? Big map, black dragon? I say. Astrid smirks and lands behind him. I land beside stormfly as Astrid dismounts her. I lean back onto the shield that holds up my back.
As Astrid and Hiccup talk and do impressions of each other, Toothless jumps up and licks my cheek. I smile at him and pet his head.
-HE'S MAKING YOU CHIEF! I hear Astrid yell. I look at Hiccup. He looks panicked at me.
-No, he says. Then he looks at Astrid.
I laugh and jump off d/n. They talk about finding something and I look out over the many islands. Then, over two mountains, I spot  smoke.
-Hey, what's that? I ask. Hiccup and Astrid looks to the horizon. I share a confused look with Astrid and we all hop onto our dragons and follow the smoke.
After a while, we spot a huge mountain of ice, and pieces of wood in it. I sense d/n acting on edge when we spot some humongous footprints.
-It's ok... It's ok, I say. We fly around the ice structure. I fly slightly behind Astrid and Hiccup, and all of a sudden I hear: "Fire!" I see Stormfly getting trapped in a net and fall, but Astrid jumps safely onto toothless. They fly up a bit to not get hit again. I hear another net being thrown, but d/n quickly makes a loop turn before landing, to avoid it. I sigh in relief and jump off their back and have my hand hover over the handle of my sword. Hiccup and Astrid landed a bit before me.
-Hey, what're you doing? I ask angrily. Dragon trappers surround us and our dragons.
-Well, another one. What a surprise! A man says. He is tall and has a chin tattoo. All of the men have chin tattoos. One of the men are aiming an arrow at me and is not far from firing it.
-Uhm, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Hiccup says. I growl at the man, who were probably only half my size.
-Now, no need to be rude, the tall man says. I look at him in anger.
-Well, looks like our luck has turned lads! Don't think Drago has any of those in his army! The man says and points to toothless and Toothless grits his teeth.
-Dragon Army? Astrid says and looks at me and Hiccup. I always keep an eye on the small man with the crossbow.
-Look, we don't want any trouble, Hiccup says to the tall man, that seems to be the leader.
-Ha! You should've thought of that before you stole all of our dragons, he says and throws Stormfly's head onto the stone beneath her. If looks could kill.
-And blasted our fort to bits! He says. The other hunters growl and sneer at us.
-What are you talking about!? I ask confused.
-You think we did this? Hiccup asks. The man sneers.
-Dragon-trapping is hard as it is, without any do gooder dragon riders to rescue them, he says.
-What do gooder....? Hiccup says and looks at me and Astrid, before his amuses smile turns into a frown.
-There are other dragon riders? He asks.
-Other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me, the man says and points to us. He looks at me and walks towards me.
-You may have an ice spitting dragon on your side, but we still have a work to fulfill.... He says and locks eyes with me. His eyes are cold and hard, and staring into mine.
-How do you suppose we'll explain this to Drago Bludvist? He says, backing up and looks at Hiccup.
-Drago Bloody-fist? I ask, and smile amused.
-Does anything you say make sense? Hiccup says. The man looks like he's about to say something but another trapper walks forward.
-He's expecting a new shipment of dragons, by tomorrow! He says. The leader nods in approval.
-And he Don't take well on excuses, the man with the crossbow says. The leader takes the neck sleeve of his vest and shirt and drags it down a bit so you can see a bad burn mark.
-This, is what he gave me last time I came empty handed... he says and lets go of his vest.
-And he promised to be far less understanding in the future, he continues and cocks his head towards me and looking at me again.
-Ok look, Hiccup says, taking the mans attention.
-We Don't know about a dragon thief or an ice spitting dragon, or your lunatic boss, Hiccup says, making me snicker a bit. The man quickly shoots me a glare.
-Just gives us back our dragon and we'll leave you alone, strange hostile person we've never met before, Hiccup says. The man chuckles.
-Well, where are my manners? I'm Eret, he says, bowing a bit and reaching behind him, making me grab the handle of my sword.
-Son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive! He says, bringing out his sword from behind him. I watch his motions very carefully.
-After all, it's not everyone that can tame a night fury, he says and points the sword towards Hiccup. That sets of my fight response and I bring out my sword and aim it towards him. He looks at me and laughs.
Toothless roars in response.
-And this is Toothless, he says we're going! Now! Hiccup says.
-Hah! That's What they all say, he says before frowning.
-Rush 'em lads! He says and the trappers run towards us. I hop on d/n's back and we lift a bit from the ground. Toothless blasts a ice spike, making it almost crush Eret. In the meantime, Astrid and Hiccup cuts the net around Stormfly. I can spot dragon-trappers sneaking up behind them, so d/n shoot a ball of fire between them and my friends.
-Thanks Y/N! Astrid says as they free Stormfly and we all fly away.

Third person POV:
When the three dragon riders are out of earshot, Y/N laughs and puts away her sword.
-Ugh, dragon-trappers and their drama... she says.
-This isn't something we can laugh at Y/N... I need to tell dad, Hiccup says as they fly as fast as they can back towards Berk.

When the dragon trappers are out of the shock they get themselves together. Their leader, Eret brush his clothes off and laughs, standing at the front of their ship, pointing at where the dragon riders left. A fellow dragon-trapper walks up to his leader and asks:
-what about those dragon riders?
-That... that girl was something special... But we will not budge. We will pick some dragons up on our way back, he says and puts his sword back in it's hold on his back.

Eret, son of Eret x reader; Love always start in fight Where stories live. Discover now