Chapter 2 : Oh, Canada! 🇨🇦

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

All packed and ready to go ! I'm just waiting for Cassandra to get her slow ass ready. Every time I tell her to hurry she just won't hear it for some reason. She finally decides to trudge down the stairs dragging her suitcase lazily behind her, making sure she hit EVERY step forcefully. It is really early in the morning. We have to be on the plane at 5:30 AM. It's a five hour and fourteen minute plane ride from California. So ultimately we will be arriving at 10:44 AM. So if we weren't already dead tired now we will be when we get there.


Plane ride**

Cassandra has to get a plane seat behind me. It was a fancy kind of plane. It was about a 20 person plane where the seats zig-zagged. So it wasn't two rows next to each other it was like every other row so the people had more room. Two seats each set. Apparently I was gonna be sitting alone because the person who booked next to me wasn't here.

"Pssssst," I whispered to Cassandra a little a ways behind me. She looked up from her phone at me and grimaced. She was very upset that she booked an hour after me and as a result did not get to sit with me. This is both of our first times being on a plane. I was very nervous.

"It's okie girl you don't need to worry. I'm in front of you if you need me. It looks like my plane buddy isn't coming. It's almost time to stop letting people on and they aren't here," I whisper-shout. She looks over at the smelly guy next to her and rolled her eyes. She leans in as close as she can , but with this seating it still isn't close, "You're lucky. You're person was probably gonna be as gross and annoying as my "plane buddy". I might just sneak up there with you if they don't come" she scoffs. I smile and shift my gaze to the tall handsome figure heading my way. We make eye contact and I smile real quick then look away so I'm not creepy. But inside I'm mentally freaking out. I look back at Cassandra ,but keep looking at him from the corner of my eye. He checks the paper in his hand then looks over at me. And smiles a bit then sets a little bag down and puts his suitcase above our head in the compartment for its intended purpose.

Thats when it hits me. OH SHIT! I need to put my suitcase up there but I'm too short. I shoot up which surprises him. His eyes widen when I almost fall and he catches me.

"Thank you," I smile as I look into his eyes. He lingers on my skin a little longer then widens his eyes and shakes his head, "n-no problem." I attempt to pull and lift my suitcase but can't seem to get the heavy ass thing above my head. I hear him clear his throat which makes me look at him questionably. He scratches the back of his head then gestures towards the suitcase. I get what he is trying to say after a couple seconds then nod my head and move out of his way. He then lifts the suitcase with ease and puts it in the compartment next to his.

I take my seat and sheepishly look back at Cassandra who has her mouth agape with complete surprise. I smirk inside while shrugging as she texts me that I'm so fucking lucky then turns her phone off cause we can't be on WiFi.

I put my phone in my pocket after putting it on airplane mode then look over at the seemingly nice enough guy beside me. I hope this ride will be pleasant.

I am looking through my pictures when I feel someone's eyes on me. I look up then slowly look over at him. He quickly looks away and smiles. That. Fucking. Smile. It's so gorgeous. So I say it. I know , I know. But I couldn't help it.

"You have a gorgeous smile.." he looks over at me a little surprised then smiles again which makes me smile. I see him look down at my lips and turns the corner of his mouth up abruptly, "I see you also have a dazzling smile.." I blush so hard it makes me embarrassed. I look out the window quickly but feel him grab my chin. I guidingly follow his strength until I'm looking back into his phenominal dark brown eyes. "Please don't look away...," he says without thinking. "Uh.. I mean .. it's cute when you .. turn a Little pink" , he all but blurts into my presence. I gulp. He's so intimidating. I look down at his bag and notice it's a fanny pack. It makes me happy. I smile real wide and considerably mention it, "I really like your fanny pack. I have like 5 at home." He looks down at it briefly and shakes his head smiling, "this is my friend Edwin's. He has a huge thing for fashion. I love it though so I borrow it a lot." I nod understandably.

Pretty Much Picking | PRETTYMUCH fanfiction *FINISHED*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя