Chapter 7 : All About Us

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Zion's P.O.V

I pull up to her and I hear loud screaming. Wait.. what?? What the fuck is going on?? I quickly get out of the car and head towards the door.

Your Babe Zion ;) : Bebeeeee... what is going on?? I am at your door if you want to come open it and give me a hug🥺

I waited for a couple minutes then I pulled my arm up to knock when... *ding*

(Y/N)saurusrex! ♥️ : You can come on in any time babe, doors always open for you XO 😘. I just got into a little "argument" with Cass. I'm in the living room. I really could use a hug 🤗

I smiled. I love how giving she is to me. I feel like I've known her all my life.

Your Babe Zion ;) : Coming right up ! Well.. I guess in.. I don't know. I have the best hugs and they're all for you sweetie ♥️.

I walked in and down the hall to where I heard thumping. When I stepped into the room she was laying on the couch throwing a shoe repeatedly at the ceiling. What a cute little weirdo. I walk up to her and take the shoe and lift her up and hug her. She seemed to mold into my body real quickly. I pulled away and smiled at her. "So are you ready to have a fun day??" I asked her. She smiled real big , "CASS COME DOWN ITS TIME FOR US TO GO!" I heard loud shuffling then quick thumping coming from the stairs. Then her face appeared. Eckkkkk. Did I have to invite her?? Ughhhh she's just gonna try and flirt with me the whole time. Well maybe my friends can keep her distracted. We started walking out to the car. I was getting ready to grab her hand when Cassandra bumped into me and got in between us, "So guys where are we going??" She asked. (Y/N) looked at me expectantly. It was then I realized I was the only one who knew where we were going. I took out my phone to text the group chat with the guys.

Zion The Lion 🦁: On our way to the point- be there!

Gang Gang : We just got here , hurry up we wanna meet this fine ladyyyyy 😉

As I texted them I nonchelontly reached behind Cassandra and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand without looking up from my phone so Cassandra wouldn't notice and ruin it. From the corner of my eye I saw her look over at me and smile then look down. I squeezed her hand to let her know not to give us away. I don't know how she got it but she did. I put my phone away and we got in the car. Of course Cassandra got in the front. (Y/N) sat in the middle of the back. At least I can see her perfectly. She is bobbing lightly to the music while mouthing the words. She's so cute. I smiled at the road ahead and started humming to the song.

Cassandra's P.O.V

I can see the way he looks at her. The way he smiles. Great. She's gonna take him away. Well I'm not giving up without a fight. I'm gonna fight for him. The worst part is that I'm basically fighting with him because he keeps going after her. I just have to show him that I'm an option too. Although, I don't really know how much more clear I could be.

Zion's P.O.V

I pulled up to the carnival 🎡. You should have seen her go crazy. "I LOVE CARNIVALS!," she screamed as I helped her out of the backseat. I chuckled and turned around. I saw the guys walking up smiling. One of them pulled me into him and whispered, "So that girl in the passenger seat is her??" He gave me a horrified look. She got out a few seconds later and started talking and walking with (Y/N). They were all wondering what's going on with me because of this but I just ignored them and introduced them, "Guys this is (Y/N)," I gestures towards her with my other hand on her shoulder. She smiled at them and said it was nice to meet. "And this is Cassandra." They made an 'O' face and got the point that Cassandra wasn't the girl. I looked over at (Y/N) getting so excited about the carnival we were going to. I saw them look at her then back at me then at each other and they smirked. "You really like her huh ??" They asked, already knowing the answer. I smiled. "So is she cool 'cause you know how we be," he continued. I nodded, "Oh definitely. She's super nice and chill with everyone. When we met she was real weird and just like great company." They nodded then we caught up with the girls. I put my arm around her shoulder. I'm gonna do my best to make this all about us.

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