Chapter 6 : Packaged Deal

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(Y/N) P.O.V

After a "pun" filled dinner with Zion and his parents I was sitting in their backyard taking in the view and thinking about where my life has taken me. From the beginning of this trip things have been great. I now have a great new friend and his family loves me, it seems. Cassandra and Zion are sitting over by the pool. He wanted me to come sit but she went instead so I stayed here. Now he's trying to get away from her. I hear the patio door open and Mrs. Kuwonu sit next to me. I'm smiling at the sight in front of me and she begins smiling as well. She turns to me and puts her hand on my knee. I look down at it then at her. She began saying, "My son can be crazy I know , but his heart is pure gold. I also must tell you that he's a packaged deal." I smile at her and say, "Of course I know my friends includes you guys as well-" She cuts me off , " Oh no baby, not just us. He has a lot of friends but his best friends are PRETTYMUCH. You do know he's in a band don't you??" I chuckled a bit, "Of course Mrs. Kuwonu. I love their music. I was actually quite surprised when I met him on the plane. He's a really good friend to me. And I promise to be one back." She smiles real big and responded, "oh hon, please call me Mandy. I take promises really seriously, are you sure you want to ?? My son means the world to me and I'm almost never sure who his real friends are since he got famous. The gang are his real friends , that much I know but it seems as though you are a really great friend to him as well. I just wanted you to know that if you want him as a friend or anything else ((wink)) you're going to also get his family and the boys of PRETTYMUCH." I couldn't help but giggle a little when she winked at me. I know she was indicating a relationship. I would never hurt Zion. I'm not that type of person. I love making people happy and being friendly. Being mean just isn't something I like doing even when I am. "I'm very big on honesty. I wouldn't tell you something and not keep it like that. Promises are very big to me as well. Zion means a lot to me and I would never want to hurt someone who is important to me," I looked at him. He really does mean a lot to me. He's so sweet and is just a playful soul you get stuck to like wet sand after you go swimming. OH! That's good. I could totally write that in my poetry book.

Zion's P.O.V

I keep looking over at my mom and (Y/N) talking. She looks so cute in my clothes. Just then I get pushed and I look over at Cassandra. How does she put up with her ?? She is sooooo annoying. I just keep hoping she'll come over here and get her or at least join us but it seems as though maybe... she's trying to hook us up. I mean she keeps talking about "good things" about her and everything like I'm supposed to care. I like her. Not Cassandra. She's not my type. I cannot handle her alone let alone at all. (Y/N) makes me incredibly happy. So if she is trying to get us together I'm just gonna have to show both of them that (Y/N) is the girl I want. I'm just looking towards the pool with my back to her and I decide to text her.

Your Babe Zion ;) : Aye girl , would you please help me out here ?? She's sooo annoying!!!! XO

(Y/N)saurusrex! ♥️ : How do you feel about your clothes being wet?? 🤪

Your Babe Zion ;) : What do you mean?? My clothes aren't wet....

(Y/N)saurusrex! ♥️ : I'd toss your phone away from you when you get this if it isn't waterproof :)

As soon as I read it , it registered and I tossed it away then told Cassandra to. She didn't understand what I meant until we were both pushed into the pool. I grabbed (Y/N) on my way down. She was laughing really hard when we came back up. We spent two hours just splashing and laughing. Getting my pants soaking wet and I didn't even care. I had the best time. This is the most fun I've had since I came back home for two months. I'm gonna see my friends from home tomorrow. I should invite them. Well really just (Y/N), but I know I'll have to invite Cassandra also. I think they'll like her. She's got that fire that all of us got and she's a girl which makes it more sick. I looked over at her in the corner of the pool trying to ring out my sweatshirt. I smirked then walked up to her slowly and grabbed her hips and pulled her up on my waste. Her legs were wrapped around me and it felt so right. I had her "cornered" HAHA. She was pressed up against the corner of the pool. We were looking at each other , smiling. We were laughing at nothing but enjoyed each other's company. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cassandra get out of the pool and sit next to my mom in the patio. She was trying to talk to her but my mom wouldn't take her eyes off of us. I snuggled my face into (Y/N)'s neck while chuckling. She giggled because it tickled her. I could stay in this moment for life ( HA LIKE NICKI MINAJ). I felt my pants get tighter... realizing I was fantasizing I quickly placed her on the ground with her legs still in the pool. I hope she didn't feel that... I smiled at her and gave myself some time before I got out. This was a wonderful night.

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