Chapter 16 : Coachella Part 2

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Mychael's P.O.V

It was maybe 12 O'clock at night. The boys and I were just messing around and ended up staying up until 11:30pm. I'm now in bed still thinking about that pretty face I saw today. Her face never left my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

I was walking around Coachella with my dudes. It was like a flashback to what happened today. I wanted to get something sweet. Sometimes I get cravings like a pregnant lady HAHA. From the corner of my eye I saw something moving kind of fast. Like spinning. I looked over and saw a girl taking a video or something on her phone. Then she turned around and smiled at someone she was with. Wow... she is gorgeous. Long/short (y/h/c) hair. (Y/e/c) eyes that seemed to sparkle when she smiled. She was speaking with people. It was like my eyes zoomed out and I noticed all the guys around her. She seemed "chummy" with them. She began walking my way so I looked around pretending I wasn't just staring at her. I couldn't help it and I looked up. Our eyes met. She smiled at me. Before I knew it I was smiling back. She looked down and I swear I saw her biting her lip... she passed me and went over to the ice cream stand. Not to make it look like I was following her I looked around a bit then told the guys I wanted to get ice cream. I left them to do their.... things.. and I , all too eager , got in line behind her and her friend. I heard them talking about things. She's funny. When she got her ice cream it didn't look like any kind I've seen. I figured it's a great conversation starter. "That looks really good. What flavor is it??" I asked. She looked up at me and smiled. I may be dreaming , but it looked like she was expecting me.... I hope so... "It's cotton candy, my favorite," she said to me. My eyes widened in surprise. I fucking love cotton candy and that's what I said. "I've got to try some of that!" I said maybe too excited. "I love your smile," she said to me suddenly, gazing at it. I think my heart just skipped a beat. I started stuttering like an idiot because no ones ever said that to me before. FUCK! Say something!!! "Thank you.. uh... you really think so.. I uh...I'm very insecure about my teeth actually.." I barely got out. She caught me so off guard. The people behind us were getting pretty upset that we were holding up the line. I was looking at them when suddenly I felt her touch my arm. My skin began getting really hot. My eyes shot to my arm where she was slowly sliding down. I don't think she knows what she's doing. It was like slow motion... maybe I could show her that LIKE of my lifting up my shirt to the song "Slow Motion" by Trey Songz.... show her what she can get... maybe too soon.. I'll show her later... if we get that far... she stopped at my wrist with her gentle fingers and noticed what she was doing and moved her hand away. My sling tingled where she used to be. She apologized and moved the hair behind her ear. That's cute. It's like I made her nervous. I grabbed her hand and held it. It was so nice. And the rest was history. We got close. We exchanged numbers. She hugged me and her hand held my face. We had a very special moment I thought I'd kiss her , but it was too soon. AND IT INVOLVED PIZZA! I love pizza and apparently so did she.

All of a sudden there was a swirl. I was sitting in a swing at the park. She was next to me. She told me I couldn't swing higher than her which made me want to. Something happened and she hurt her arm so we went to lay in the grass. I began rubbing it and got closer to her hips and started kissing her face all over slowly and gently while she smiled up at me with her eyes closing every time my lips touched her face. I picked a daisy near by and put it in her hair. She played with my hair as our lips kept inching closer. I lunges forward at her lips with anticipation when-

I woke up. Great. What a great day.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

After I heard the guys get home last night I didn't want to go over there. I don't know why , but I thought it would be awkward. I ended up getting up at like 12 and leaving my room to go for a midnight walk on the beach. I was wearing my pajamas and a little jacket. My feet were scooping up the sand as I was walking with my hands in my back pockets. I squatted down before the water and swished around in my hand for no reason. From a different point of view (( 😉 )) it would probably look like I was thinking BUT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WAS BEING THOUGHT ABOUT! I couldn't think. I started randomly taking to myself about how beautiful the water was than , like an idiot , I began talking to it like it was a dog. What the hell is wrong with me??

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