"I don't know Kyle, but I'm sure the new Alpha of Alphas is a very powerful man."

Lydia's POV, aka, Night

the morning of her 13th birthday

I awoke to the scent of burnt meat and burnt toast.I cringed and thought that it must be Shadow trying to cook, but she's horrible at it. The smoke detectors went off, and Tiger flew off the bed and into the closet to hide in a corner that was filled with clothes. I got up from the bed and stretched, and blearily walked down to the kitchen. Smoke billowed in the kitchen and in the middle of it all, Shadow was trying to fan the smoke detector. I chuckled to myself tiredly , and decided to help my Beta by jumping up to press the button to turn it off.

"You know you're a horrible cook right?" I laughed as she turned a bright shade of red.

"I know, but I still need to try," she huffed.

I chuckled again and went over to the oven and took the burnt chicken and toast and threw it away in the trash bin. I noticed a note on the fridge, so I walked over to the fridge and took the note off. It said 'We had to go to a meeting, we'll be back soon, love Darlene,' I stuffed the note into my pocket, and grabbed out some more uncooked chicken from the fridge and separated it into two different piles, one for me and Shadow, and the other for Fox. The one pile for Shadow and I will have blood poured over, and Fox's will be plain. I stuck the chicken over the oven and walked back to the fridge to grab a few blood bags and stuck them in the microwave. I waited for it to beep and grabbed out the blood and tore into them to pour over the chicken. There was an extra blood bag, so I drank that.

Once the chicken was done I grabbed three plates, and put the chicken onto the plates, and took them to the table, but one I had to use telekinesis to carry the third.

I walked to the bottom of the stairs and yelled "Fox! breakfast is ready!"

The door to his room opened and he ran down the stairs.

"You said there was food?" he asked eagerly.

"Yes, now get your butt over to the table, chicken is served"

"Yay," as he jumped the last of the stairs.

We went to the table,and Shadow was already halfway done with her chicken, practically inhaling it into her black hole of a stomach. Fox and I sat down, and dug in.

Once we were done, both Shadow and I had blood smeared on our mouths. We both wiped it off, and then headed into the spacious living room with Fox trailing behind.

The living room had a red, velvet couch in the middle of the room and a huge flatscreen T.V. at the front of it, and underneath the flat screen was a stand that had movies, games, game systems, and controllers. I pulled out Mario Cart, and put the game in. I then grabbed out three controllers and tossed one to Shadow and one to Fox. The game started and we played.

A half hour later, and at least ten games of Mario cart was played. I won the most, Fox came in second, and Shadow only won once.

"No fair! You guys have more practice than I have," and Shadow pulled her lips into a pout.

"Oh lighten up, it's only a game," Fox said.

"It not just a game, it is more than that" replied Shadow.

They continued to bicker and pick at each other, and then I finally had to say "Enough! I'm getting a headache. Shadow, it's only a game, and Fox, just don't talk to her, sheesh, it's like living with two year olds at the moment."

"Sorry," they both mumbled.

"No matter, lets just pick out a different game to play instead."

Shadow stood up and left for upstairs silently, no word on what she was doing. A minute later, she came back down with her hands behind her back, a smile tugging on her lips. She stopped beside me, and plopped down on the couch.

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