“I love you babe.” He says softly.

“I know” you wink at him before placing a hand on his gorgeous jawbone.

“No, you don’t get it. I don’t just love you… I'm in love with you…” You stopped your eyes wide and dreamy.

“Sorry… what did you say?” He grinned

“I am in love with you.” You thought you might cry, blushing and smiling endearingly, there was a big difference between saying you love someone and are IN love with someone.

“Seriously dude, you always manage to make me cry!!” You pull away and wipe your eyes careful not to smudge the make up.

“Aww babe! Its true though, I am and always will be in love with you.”

“Seriously stop!” You say and slap his chest before poking your tongue out and going out the door. Before you left fully, you poked your head round “Babe?”


“For the record… I am totally head over heels unbelievably in love with you as well…” The grin spread across his face made your whole day; you ran back and pecked his lips quickly before going downstairs to make breakfast.

From Sophie: Babe? You okay? Where are you?

“Shit” you mumbled, you were ten minutes late already “BABE? WE REALLY NEED TO LEAVE!” Grant jogged downstairs in a loose shirt and skinny jeans and you clear away the plates from breakfast. You turn and grab your bag, phone and keys and look at Grant eyeing him over “…too many clothes…” you said simply, giggling and pecking his lips before running outside and dragging Grant with you.

“Someone’s in a sexy mood!” Grant called after you, smirking and running out; shutting the door behind him. You had decided to walk together seeing as it would only delay you by a few minutes, and you were already late anyway!

You entangled your fingers and pretty much skipped the way there, your cold had gone and you were feeling on top of the world! Nothing could make this day better.


As you approached the coffee shop, you stopped and tapped Grants shoulder. “OH MY FUCKING GOD!” You shouted and squealed, legging it over to where Sophie and Matt were sat, with them, was Luke and Doug!

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” You shouted and brought them into a three way hug, Doug and Luke under an arm each.

“HEY BABE!” Luke exclaimed, kissing your forehead and hugging you warmly back. “SURPRISE!” he shouted, you squealed again, and let them shield your tiny figure inside the two of them, towering above you and squeezing you hard to make up for the 8 months you hadn’t seen them in.

“How are you!?” You ask in-between hugs from Sophie and Matt.

“Yeah we’re good thanks! Its been too long! I heard that you two had a good time last night…?” Luke replied and you widen your eyes at Sophie, turning around to Grant who was rubbing the back of his neck as though he had an itch, and looking down, trying (and failing) to hide his blush.

“Just tell the whole world why don’t you?!” you say to Sophie as your blush deepens rapidly by the second.

Luke and Doug burst out laughing along with the other two and you all sat down, the others already had coffee, so you and Grant quickly popped up to order.

“2 medium hot chocolates with cream please” Grant said, and you smiled, loving the fact he knew your usual.

“Awww he even knows your order!” Sophie called from behind you and you turned around, grinning like a fool and sticking your tongue out at them.

How could we say Goodbye?Where stories live. Discover now