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"I HATE TO SAY THIS... BUT THE Marauders split up, just isn't right." Dorcas whispered, watching Peter Pettigrew staring at Tula Marcel and Siruis Black while James Potter glared at them and Remus Lupin ignored everyone.

"I hate to admit, but she's right." Lily agreed, "I wonder what happend, they were as thick as theives."

"I have a plan." Marlene said suddenly. "Dorcas, you talk to Lupin-"

"Woah, wait. Why Lupin?"

"Because you two are the mature ones of our groups, duh. Lily, you talk to Pott-"

"No way in hell-"

"Lily! You know very well he's the only one out of that group who takes you seriously!"


"I'll talk to Siruis-"

"Of course."

"Stop interrupting me! Mary will talk to Peter and Alice can talk to Marcel. Got it? We'll meet back here in an hour."


Alice took a deep breath as she and Marlene approached the table where Siruis and Tula were sitting. They both looked miserable and grumpy without their friends, but also much too stubborn to ever admit such a thing.

Tula glanced up first and instantly groaned, "Pads, run."

Siruis looked up and his eyes went wide. He stood up, fully prepared to bolt for it but Marlene dug her nails into his shoulder and made him sit back down.

"Nuh uh. You two are going to sit here and tell us what's wrong, or else."

"Or else what?" Tula asked in a mocking tone. Marlene turned her glare onto the girl, who matched it.

"Or else I will use the permant sticking charm and stick myself to you."

Blood drained from the two teenagers faces and they exchanged horrified looks.

"Fine." Siruis growled. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Thank you." Marlene said graciously, sitting across from them. She beckoned for Alice to do the same who did so with a slightly apologetic look.

"Whats going on between you and the other Marauders?"

"None of your goddamn buisness." Tula answered sweetly.

Marlene gave her a flat look. Alice tried to stand up and leave but Marlene caught her sleeve and dragged her back down.

"We're trying to help. Just- give us a breif over-view of what's wrong." Marlene said, forcing a polite look on her face.

"Fine." Said Siruis, caving. "I-... I planned a prank without them-"

"That's what this is about!?" Alice asked incredulously.

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