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"WELL, FOLLOWING UP OUR SLIGHTLY EVENTFUL last discussion on this subject, I thought it'd be a good idea to rehash the subject,"

Tula was so ready for the school year to be over.

Of course, that meant she would be one year closer to graduating and leaving hogwarts ( always a sad thought ) but she really couldn't help it.





Her Defense against the dark arts professor.

The man was obsessed with patronouses. He wouldn't quit until everyone in the class had casted one. Now Tula could cast a patronous just fine, but even she was starting to get pissed off.

It also didn't help that a heatwave had taken over Scotland. 'Heatwave' and 'Scotland' were two words that should never, ever be put together. That had never, ever been put together before that week, that should never, ever be put together again. And yet here they were.

In a heatwave.

She could cry.

Also on today of all days, was the day after the full moon. And Tula was bone dead tired. Sirius was hiding half lidded eyes behind long black hair, James had been told of for snoring twice and Peter was approximately six seconds away from falling out of his chair.

It gets worse.

They were doubling up with the Slytherins.

Snape, Mulciblier, Meadowes - the whole lot of them. Snape hated James' guts, Mulciblier was a death eater coming if she ever saw one and Meadows - well, Meadowes was alright. She was a bit stuck up and had a weird thing going on with Marlene Mckinnon but it still seemed a bit rude to group her with the pricks.

The reason for the doubling up was simple, not enough people had gotten enough owls to continue taking the class, and the professor seemed to be sick of teaching a handful of groups at a time, so was grouping together class to make a full room.

Which was fine. Really, it was, I mean it was doomed to be a shitty day anyway so why not put the icing on the cake?

Issue was, the professor decided that wasn't enough, he decided cherries were necessary.

Tula didn't like cherries.

The Slytherin sixth years and the Gryffindor sixth years weren't enough to make a full class, so he added the more 'well versed, high potential' Slytherin fifths as well.

So, on top of it being a hot day, the day after a full moon, on their sixtieth lesson about patronouses, with Snape and his merryband of death eaters, they also had Sirius's little brother, Regulus, there.

And Evan Rosier.

And Barty Crouch Jr.

And Pandora Malfoy. ( who, objectively, was a bad person, just a creepy one )

Fucking. Lovely.

Snape was sitting right in front of James, Regulus right behind Peter, on the desk to the left of Tula. Pandora was Sirius' desk mate. Oh, and Barty Crouch Jr.? He was Tula's desk mate.

So. Fucking. Lovely.

Tula figured that if their friends hadn't been who they were, she and Barty could've been friends. They were both flirty personalities who stuck to their own friend groups, so really, they could've.

However, they weren't.

They each had their Black brother and were fiercely loyal to him. And since Sirius had ran away, this became more and more apparent. To avoid arguments, they were just ignoring each other.

Fine by Tula, she could just people watch.

Except it wasn't fine, because she was bored.

But she couldn't do anything about that, because her boys were on the other side of the room. So she just had to sit and suffer in silence, occasionally casting her patronous and watch the wispy, blue fox go out and have more of a social life then she ever had.

The lesson was two hours long.

Mid-way through the second hour, there came a triumphant shout from the desk in front of James finally - finally - managed to cast his patronous.

However, Snapes joy was short lived.

His patronous... was a doe.

Now, in some other world, Lily Evans might've made the cut into the sixth year DADA class and learnt to cast her very own doe patronous, and everyone could see that it was simple Snape obsessing over her as usual. Alas, Lily Evans wasn't in this class.

But James Potter was.

The horror on his and just about everyone else's face was almost comical. James's patronous was a stag.

And Snapes was a doe.

Even he knew how this looked.


The professor seemed quite pleased that another one of his students managed the difficult charm, seemingly oblivious to the downright appalled look on James and Snapes face, and heaving sound of laughter that was now coming from Sirius.

He was so oblivious, in fact, that when he noticed that their patronous' matched, he went of his way to congratulate them for how brave they were, before launching into a story about his own days at Hogwarts.

Sirius could not contain it, and neither could Tula. Sirius's fit of laughter had him doubling over and sliding to the floor as tears streamed down his face of pure joy, tiredness long forgotten.

Tula's wasn't quite as dramatic, but it left her stomach aching and her chest heaving with hiccups.

"THAT'S NOT- that's not what that is- " Snape tried to cut through both their laughter and the professor's ramblings. It was for naught.

"Wait - he's in love with Prongs!?" Peter, always one step behind, finally seemed to catch. "Is that why he's always so mea-"

"NO! Shut up shut up shut up- all of you, just shut up, I'm not in love with Potter!"

"Ah, Snape," James begun, now standing and looking aghast, "You could've just told me-"


"Is this why you don't like me talking to Lily? Look, mate, it's nothing against your looks- but you're really not my type-"

"- I AM NOT- "

"-its more against your personality really,"

Even Regulus Black was laughing.



This story will NOT be continued. I just saw a prompt for this on Tiktok and wanted to write it out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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