Chapter 20

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*** Sarah's P.O.V ***

*********After one month***********

It's been a month since I lost my sample. Brian was right I couldn't just accuse him based on mere assumptions. I've been visiting the bay every day since in a hope of finding another sample. Every time I was there odd enough I feel Peter's presence, maybe because we had a lot of memories at the bay. Whenever I was down before Peter was there for me. He was there to tell me it's alright. He was there to protect me. But not this time. Since the day we kissed I haven't heard from Peter again. He disappeared without a trace. It was like he never existed. I felt devastated at first but work and my new friends made life bearable.  

John, Cody, Becca, Rosanne were all nice to me. The environment at Caryl grib was quite opposite to what I had at the mansion. It's always cheerful, uplifting here. Apart from the university work, I was indulged in the crazy adventures of my housemates. There was surfing, motorcycle riding, rock climbing, you name it they are ready to do it and drag me with them on their way. I shouldn't be complaining about what I am having. It's more that I wished for. But there is this empty space in my heart that is always yearning for Peter's presence. 

Despite our bad blood regarding kissing Cody, Rosanne was kind enough to offer me a part-time job to take care of their parent's villa near Caryl girb. I've already purchased a second-hand car with the money I made from part-time. It's time to return the car that Albert lent me.

Nothing much has changed the same old rusty gate and slippery muddy road and bushy greenery all around. 

It seems like Jenny and Albert were out. Sally told me that Phil's in the garage and he can help me with the car. It's a really big basement area with at least fifteen cars and Phil is washing one of them. 

I took a few steps towards the boot of the car which Phil was cleaning. I was as terrified as I'm shocked to find the thing that lied in a corner in the boot. My crystal key chain, the one Gerald gifted me. The one I lost the day I met with Peter. Wait! This car its its a red Mercedes. Peter drives red Mercedes. Is this car Peter's? If so why would it be here? My eyes immediately went to the number plate and it is indeed Peter's car.

"Miss Jones, you're not allowed here" Phil cried noticing my presence. 

I immediately rushed to my car outside without further answering Phil and headed straight to the repair center I visited three months ago to check the logs. The day Albert signed for my car repair it's on the day I met with Peter when my car went flat tire. But Peter's note is on the car when it was returned to the mansion. Does this mean Peter and Albert knew each other? If so why didn't Peter tell me anything about it? 

Nothing is making sense to me. I rushed to the mansion and patiently waited for Albert in the dining hall. The gushing wind made the windows go back and forth and my eyes were laid on the right-wing window upstairs. A sudden realization struck me. 

That day when I thought a burglar barged in, Peter said he came to meet me. He was lying. If he came to meet me he should have come to my room downstairs. He knows where my room is but he was already upstairs before I got there. It's not a coincidence!  Sally was busy cooking and I carefully barged upstairs without drawing her attention.

 I opened the right-wing room and my face went pale as if the blood has been drained out of my body at what I found. The room was filled with paintings, lot's of them. All of them belonging to the Renaissance which... Peter likes! 

"What are you doing here Miss?" Albert's tensed voice from behind.

Suddenly I felt chills down my spine. I realized that the room temperature is much lower than downstairs. Cold! Peter's always cold.

Another person joined us soon. It's Jenny with a horrified look on her face.

Jenny! the day she flushed down my garlic soup flashed in front of my eyes. Garlic...

"Who are you guys? How do you know Peter? I cried. 

"Please listen to me, Miss" Albert tried to explain. 

" I will do the explaining Albert, Jenny you too can leave now" Peter came from behind.

My eyes became bloodshot red and a layer of tears shaped my blurred vision.

"Peter, you are?"


Sorry for the late update guys. I hope you like this chapter. Please let me know your thoughts! <3 LK 

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