Chapter 6

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*** Sarah's P.O.V ***

I immediately jumped out of the kitchen and made my way towards my room. After a refreshing hot shower, I plopped onto my bed. I thought today that was it, my landlord's going to kick me out and the woods are my shelter for tonight. Heavens know what came upon him he allowed me in. Maybe tomorrow I should visit some car store and spend the last penny of all my savings on a second-hand car or I shall search for some other place near the university so that I can save myself from buying a car and use it to rent out a place. But it wouldn't be that easy as the land prices are high in the centre where the university is located. For now, I had other important things to think of than some inexplicable feeling of someone staring at me or the fact that I saw some dangerous wild animal out there.

I woke up a little bit late the morning judging from the fact that there's no one in the dining hall but a plate full of beagle's and some tea set aside for me. I slowly ate the breakfast stealing glances at the corner window to have a view at the upstairs room. The window is shut today, it was not opened. Maybe I was just overthinking all of this. Of course, Windows will be shut, open cuz of wind all the time. Why am I insisting that someone's watching me over and when they noticed me observing them they shut closed. I am just writing an imaginary mystery story for myself with all the free time that I had. I must concentrate on the project from today onwards like a pro. I took the last sip of my earl grey tea and left the house.

I saw Albert outside washing a car. 

"Good morning" I greeted him out of formality.

Albert turned to me and placed a set of keys in my hands and said with a blank face "Don't be late from now on wards" and went inside the mansion without further explanation.

Bloody hell! Did he just handed over me the car keys?? He gave me a fuckin car just cuz I was late? That's complete bollocks! I'm just going mental with all these insane events. Sighing I got on the car. Well at least I should be grateful I've got one without asking. I'm getting late now for the uni maybe I'll talk to Albert in the evening and we can come to an agreement on how can I pay for the car. As I'm leaving the house in the car I peeked on to the side mirror and the window on the upstairs room is opened again. I felt shivers down my spine as I left the mansion grounds.

"Good morning Professor! this is my draft for the hypothesis. If you verify it I would proceed with the presentation" I handed papers to Professor Jonathan. 

"Perfect Miss Sarah, let's go with this, the presentation will be this afternoon and you can leave now" he nodded approving.

"Oh! Professor, your hand!" I noticed a deep cut on his hand while he is returning the papers. 

"Ah yeah, that's nothing, I was at the bay for some fossil hunt last evening and fell upon some rough rocks, it's all slippery there cuz of all the rain yeh" he smiled. 

what would I know? I just landed on my bum last night, I better watch out my steps or one of these days I might end up cracking my head open like a walnut. 

I thought of dropping by Cody's department during lunch break to clear some of the questions that are eating my brain. I saw a girl in front of the "Finance department" sign and asked her if she knew anyone named Cody Landers by chance. A blush appeared on her pink cheeks just like the one that appeared on mine when I first met Cody. He must be quite famous, of course why he wouldn't? A handsome lad he was I thought while I followed the girl. There he is Cody at the cafeteria.

"Hi, Cody" the girl greeted him and ran away still blushing.

"You must be really popular among the girls" I teased him while I took a seat in front of him.

"I suppose, any chance does that bunch of girls include you too?" he smirked.

"You wish" I rolled my eyes.

"How's it going ?" he asked.

"Quite good but.," I explained to him about the car situation.

"Don't worry there are many unused cars at the mansion, you can just use it, I don't think the landlord would mind it, they almost never check upon stuff as this" Cody said.

"Landlord? I thought your father was the landlord?" my jaw dropped.


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