Chapter 19

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*** Sarah's P.O.V ***

It's not quite a quiet morning that I'm always used to. I hear people laughing, playing, giggling. I Wait! Peter?  I immediately opened my eyes to find no one in my room. He's gone again! I clenched my fists in anger,  I'm not going to let is pass easily like I did last time. I stormed out of my room to grab some water to rehydrate my fuming body. I find the guys at the dining table sipping on their juices. 

"Oo your girlfriend's here mate" John cried shifting his glances between Cody and me.

"Rack off John-O" Cody sent a glare in John's direction.

"Girlfriend? Me? Cody? What the fuck is happening here"? I grabbed a bottle of water on the counter laughing. 

"Ya just broke dreams of many girls" Becca giggled.

"Wha what? What are you talking about guys?" I asked still couldn't make sense of what they're talking about.

"Your little act of passion last night" I could hear hostility in Rosanne's voice. Or was it Jealousy? 

"What act?" I fixated my eyes on the gang in front of me. 

"It's nothing Sarah, last night you were pretty pissed and and umm, you kinda kissed me," said Cody.

"What?" I spilled the water that I just put in my mouth.

Rosanne passed me over the tissue box and I could definitely notice her more than obvious side-eye.  

"Erm..uh.." I stuttered unable to say anything.

"Get ready we're going for surfing today, don't wanna waste such nice weather like this," John said merrily. 

I immediately jumped to my room excusing myself to get ready. The warm water from the shower hit my face as I realized that it was all just my imagination. It was Cody that I kissed. It's not Peter. It's Cody who carried me to the bedroom. Somehow the fact that it wasn't Peter made me even more mad. But the weather is quite warm and absolutely lovely as John said. The guys are busy in stiffening their muscles and flaunting their beach bodies. 

I never actually did any surfing and certainly not planning to not at least today. I'm still a bit plastered and I don't wanna submerge myself in the sea so I decided to play the judge. The guys were having a little competition among themselves. Cody was absolutely amazing and his moves over the waves were smooth as hell. Rosanne complemented his moves with hers almost as if they are dancing and one can't decide who's better.

Cody placed the surfing board on the sand after a while and he laid on the rock beside me drying himself up with the towel. 

"Cody?" I muttered. 

"What?" he held my gaze. 

"Last night erm I'm sorry it's a "

"Mistake, I know" he cut in. "No worries mate if only ya had known the things I did when I was drunk" he winked. 

I laughed and we were having a little banter about John's desperate attempts to impress Becca.  Right then I saw something. Something near Cody's leg. 

"Oh, my freaking god! Cody! Get off that rock!" I demanded. 

He jumped at once on my outbreak. 

"Holy fuck! There it is" my eyes widened.

I run for my handy and called Leisle "I found it! I found it come over to the bay with the tool kit immediately!" I cried.

"Are you gonna tell me what is it mate?" Cody was standing with his hands on his hips. 

"I found the Payara fish fossil that I have been searching for a while," I mumbled.

Lei arrived with the kit in ten minutes "You never know when to stop working and start having fun Sarah Jones" she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry darling but you know it's important" I shot my puppy eyes at her.

"Whatever mate" Lei took out the hammer.

we were busy extracting the rock while the guys are having fun surfing.

"Who's that champ on the red board, looking bomb?" Lei giggled.

"That's, Stephen! Rosanne, um your ex-roommates brother! Don't you know him?" I asked perplexed.

"Oh..I had no idea Rose had a brother" she shrugged. Finally, after half an hour of teamwork, we were able to extract the Fossil successfully and preserved it.

"So sorry guys! Work's calling" I excused myself from Cody and the guys and we made our way towards the lab.

"Alright! Let's preserve this in the container and when the microscope we ordered arrives we can start our analysis" I said merrily dusting off the storage cabinet.

I finally found it! I knew Vampire fishes dwelled in this area! I have to tell to Prof.Jonathan, first thing tomorrow morning. 

The dawn broke making me run for the uni.

"Where is the container, Lei?" I flared up as I couldn't find the fossil anywhere.

"It's gone missing Sarah" Leisle is almost on the verge of crying.

"What? How? We've stored it right here, did you ask security and the cleaning staff?"

"I did, no one has any idea" she shrugged. 

"Nobody has access to this lab except you and me and..." the thought struck me and I stormed out of the room and found the person I'm looking for in the corridor.

"How dare you?" I poked my finger on to his chest.

"May I know why I'm being confronted like this?" a sneer from the other side.

"Where is my sample?"

"What sample?"

"The one that you stole!"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he smirked.

"You very well know what I'm talking about and if you don't give me it back I'll have to go to the authorities"

"If you want, but can you prove it is me who took whatever sample you're talking about?" Brian smirked again. 


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