Chapter 10

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*** Sarah's P.O.V ***

Those beautiful amber eyes are almost haunting me. I want to meet him again. What are the odds we run into each other again by some fortunate coincidence? Zero. I was stupid enough not to even ask for his number. I cursed myself as I soaked into the bubble bath taking the pleasure of its warmth. I can't be getting any dumber than this. All I know is there's a tall bloke named Peter who is a painter and has amber eyes. How hard it can get to know his whereabouts without sounding like a bloody stalker!

I woke up still regretting that I didn't get his contact. I opened the door and was silently passing through the hallway where I pleasantly met with Cody. 

"Sarah!" He smiled.

"Hey, Cody" I smiled back.

"Hmm you look different today" he smirked.

My cheeks turned crimson red as I thought of Peter who was the reason behind my good mood.

"I'm going to the movies in the arvo with my mates, do you wanna join?" Cody asked.

"Oh! Erm actually last night I've got a flat tire near the bay area so I think I've got to go to collect the car now" I bit my lip.

"But your car's fine when I passed by it a while ago!" Cody said confused.

"What"? I rushed to my car outside leaving Cody behind and saw a note posted on the front window saying "you're welcome-Peter".

An instant blush appeared on my face again. Oh my god, such a gentleman he was. He remembered my car and got it repaired and left it here At the very least I owe him thanks. But if he was here why didn't he came to meet me? I looked at the note disappointed but quickly crumbled and hid it as I heard Cody's steps approaching me. 

"See, I told ya it's fine?" said Cody. 

"Oh yeah yeah sorry, I think my coworker took care of the car" I lied.

"So, you're going with us?" Cody asked.

"Sure, that's so sweet of you it's's been a while I've watched Cinemas!"

As I stepped inside Cody's car I saw the right-wing window open again from my peripheral vision. Maybe I'm overthinking this. It might be just Albert cleaning or something.

On our way to the cinema, we have passed through a car repair center, and a marvelous idea flashed through my mind. If only I could inquire at all the car repair centres in the town I  can find something about Peter's whereabouts from their logs! I will be at least be able to thank him "Cody! how many car repair centre's do you think there are in the town"?

"Erm, just two one near the bay area and the other one at the center we just passed by" he replied. 

Well, looks like I'm gonna be Sherlocking a bit this weekend then! 

We dropped by the food court to grab some lunch before the cinema. 

"This is Johno my childhood friend and Becca my uni mate" Cody introduced me to his friends.
They welcomed me cheerfully.

"Where's Stephan mate?" Cody asked John.

"This morning he called me to cancel the plan. He's at the vet, his pup was attacked by a vampire apparently" John spoken sarcastically.

"There he goes again with the vampire story" Cody rolled his eyes.

"What? Vampires?" I cut in.

"Yeah, it's an age-old story here in Richard's town that there used to be Vampires who fed on humans and animals. Rumor is Richard was actually the name of a priest who saved people from Vampires, hence the name Richard's town" John explained with sparkling eyes.

"That's a heap of bull shit!  it's just Richard was a Dutch doctor who saved people from wild animal bites and such back in the days. You know how people usually like to exaggerate the truth adding some myth's" Becca rolled her eyes.

I don't know why but hearing John's words gave me goosebumps. I know vampires? Ridiculous! But somehow I felt uneasy about it.

We saw "once upon a time in Hollywood" after our lunch and the movie's bomb!

While I went through my purse to get my chapstick I noticed I lost my crystal keychain. It is special to me as it was the only gift I ever received from Gerald. As soon as we reached the car park I searched through Cody's car but I couldn't find it anywhere. I might have dropped it in the mall or yesterday at the bay. Speaking of Yesterday I recalled what happened in the kitchen. 

Cody was gazing me as if he's looking at a puzzle. "Is something wrong Sarah?" He asked.

I wanted to tell him how harsh his mum was yesterday but I didn't want to badmouth his mother in front of him. So I just lied that I'm missing Brighton.

"Don't worry Sarah, she'll be alright" Cody pulled me in a small friendly hug.

Yes, I'm gonna be alright. I have to be. I can't let weakness overtake me. I have always been scared to face the reality myself alone and probably that's the reason I jumped from one guy to another, one relationship to another in the hope of someone redeeming me. But at the end of the day, none of them helped me get through. I have to do it alone this time. I have to make myself happy. If I don't who will?  I am alive, healthy, met wonderful people like Cody and Leisle, have a job I like and a home to stay though not the best one but still, at least I've got one. Like Peter said it's up to me to make the best of me. 


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