Chapter 4

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*** Sarah's P.O.V ***

I didn't even know how I made it from the bathroom to the bed last night but the beaming sun rays that are hitting my face from the fluttering curtains made me realize it's already morning. I let out a deep breath in relief that I'm still alive in this who knows what's here place.

I took a quick shower and put on my black formal trousers complemented with a white shirt and pulled up my long black hair in a ponytail. My stomach is grumbling and the biscuits, crisps I brought with me were all finished. Honestly, this place is scary as heck and I didn't want to get out to the kitchen for mere food and risk my life last night.

I slowly tiptoed around the hallway and suddenly hit a strong pillar. Wait but pillars don't move and they certainly don't vibrate. Blimey! it's a chest! A muscular one! I lifted my head up and saw a handsome blonde guy with curled hair and a crooked smile. 

"You must be Miss Sarah?" He chuckled. 

"Yeah yes, It's me" I blushed a little too obvious. 

He must be the old man's..uh my landlord's son, there is a strong resemblance in their appearance. 

"Breakfast is ready, you can join us if you want"  blonde started walking towards the kitchen and I followed him.

As I entered the kitchen there's a room adjoined to it with a big dining hall enough to fit a dozen people. Inside I see the old guy from yesterday and an old lady in a brown dress and a  middle-aged woman dressed in a maid costume and another middle-aged guy dressed in work clothes.

"This is Miss Sarah Jones, she'll be staying with us for a while" the old guy introduced me to the bunch and then dead silence. No one spoke a word. Everyone shooted out a sharp glance at me and continued to munch on their breakfast with a blank expression.

I just shoved some bread with Vegemite spread and left the dining hall as soon as I could. Omg, what the fuck was that? Are we here attending a funeral or something? I cursed under my breath for my stupidity for ending up in a place like this.

"Feeling a bit out of place mate?" a thick yet sexy Aussie accent oozing out of the handsome blonde I encountered earlier.

"Uh it's yeah it's a new place, takes some time to adjust" I let out a small embarrassed smile.

"I'm Cody, Cody Landers, son of Albert Landers, I was right he is indeed the Landlord's son and earlier the woman whom you saw in the brown dress is my mother Jenny Landers. The maid you saw is Miss Sally Streit and the guy is a helper here, Phil Bergson" the blonde introduced the mysterious beings I encountered earlier.

"So nice to meet you, Cody!" I  grinned brightly showcasing my crystal white teeth. Why wouldn't I? after all he's the only person to greet me as usual human beings do after arriving in Richard's town. 

"How come all the way from?" he paused. 

"Brighton, UK " it must be obvious already for him with the Sussex accent that I'm not from around here. "I'm actually working at the Town university" I smiled.

"That's great! I also attend the town's Uni and live near the centre with my mates! which department are you in?" He asked.

 "Paleontology and you?" I replied surprised. 

"Right! Interesting! I study finance" he chuckled. "I am actually on my way to the uni, do you want me to drop there?" Cody offered and I accepted it gladly cuz I am clueless as heck where the university is.

Cody dropped me off at the paleontology department and went on his way for his class. 

Ufff, I let out a deep breath that I held in since the terrible breakfast. Finally in civilization. The university is small compared to the one I attended in the UK but it doesn't look as ancient as some parts of the town. It actually had wifi access, modern computers, outrageous college students, everything seemed normal. I slowly knocked on to the head professor's door.

"Come in"

"Good morning, Professor!, I am Sarah Jones from Brighton UK" I introduced myself handing him over some admission papers he needs to sign. 

"Oh, nice to see you have arrived safely here Miss Jones" Professor Jonathan smiled and signed the papers. I followed him to the lab where I am going to work at.

"This is Brian Chang, lead of the project, Leisle Rogers your partner in the project" he introduced the people I am going to work with.

Brian seemed reserved enough and looked classy with eyeglasses and parted hair. Leisle looked cheerful with bright green eyes and dirty blonde hair.

Brian greeted me and made his way to one of the classes he needs to take for today.

"Nice to meet you Sarah" Leisle smiled.

"Nice to meet you too Leisle" I grinned.

"How come all the way from the UK to here?" She didn't waste any time before asking what was obvious.

"Ah yeah! I love the sun, warm beaches, kangaroo's you know classic AUSTRALIA haha" I said in a totally fake over-excited tone.

"But it rains here all the time all the year and there ain't any kangaroo's in this part of Straya and the beaches aren't warm either" she looked at me both pitifully and questioningly.

Great! How can I tell that I wanted to escape my miserable life and ran away from everything and ended up here?

" Where are you living now? This time of the year it's really hard to get your hands on an on-campus dormitory" Leisle sighed.

"Um well I'm actually living at the mansion west to the Charleston forest street," I said.

Leisle's eyes widened with surprise. "What? You are staying in the ghost mansion? " She cried. 


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