"You want me to get you next?" You asked. She nodded again.

"Please. It hurts to be alive." She told you. Taking a good look at her, you could see why.

Her nose was definitely congested, her eyes were puffy(though not from crying), and considering the position she was definitely laying in, her back probably hurt like hell. You stepped out into the sunlight, as Ram followed you. You grabbed a handful of wood chips from New Divides ability, and got to work.

It required concentration, but you managed to clear up her sinuses first, calming down the eyes as well. Taking another look at her, you started working on other things.

Her hair was ruffled up, with a few sticks and leaves in it. You placed your hand on her head, startling her as you passed your hand over your head. The sticks were recycled into newer hair, helping it look cleaner. You brushed her hair aside, helping re-achieve her style. Next came her clothes. They were ripped at certain points, which a simple press of your finger could fix. You couldn't do anything about the dirt, however. It was inorganic, and therefore unaffected by Twin Skeletons.

After you finished fixing her up, Ram nodded towards Subaru, who was stirring.

"Ow...." he complained as you walked towards him. You placed your hand on his face, to which he didn't react physically.

"Y/n? That you?" He asked. You sighed as you got to work. He was mostly the same as Ram, except for one noticeable difference. His track jacket was perfectly kept. Not one speck of dirt, not one rip. You furrowed your brow at this as you finished your work, stepping back as Subaru stood up, before Scarlet coughed into her fist.

"Ahem..." when you looked over, you saw what she was gesturing to. The enemy stand user, unconscious. You clenched your fist, walking towards him.

"His name is Haretsu Ayom. He seemed to dislike your fight, and would prefer to get the job done quickly. He does, however, enjoy playing with his prey, whoever it is." Scarlet spoke off, summoning Act One. After scribbling something on it, Ayom's eyes snapped open, and he gasped, attempting to sit up. You couldn't see him move, but he seemed frustrated, attempting to move his head as you stepped into view. Ayom froze at eye contact, noticing your perfect condition.

"L/n.... so that Scarlet girl got me, huh?" He sneered.

"You may as well kill me where I stand, because I'm not talking." He told you. You sighed in disappointment, looking at Scarlet. She wrote another thing down on Act One.

"Wait, What are you doing?" Ayom asked. Scarlet nodded at you, and you leaned down, facing him head on.

"Who hired you?" You demanded. Ayom tried to keep his mouth shut.

"Sher-" he forced his lips shut as the rest came out muffled. You sighed again, stepping on Ayom's chest.

"Once again, who hired you?" You asked. Ayom bit his lip, looking away as it quivered. He squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to force you out of his field of vision.

"I... won't..... answ-"

"Who hired you, Haretsu Ayom!?"

"It was Sher......ura" Ayom forced his mouth shut, once again limiting his otherwise comprehensible speech. You increased the pressure on his chest, slowly putting more weight on his chest.

  "Last chance, Ayom!" You shouted at him. He recoiled, his breathing getting heavier.

"His name is Temnura! Shernam Temnura!" He cried out. You lifted your foot from his chest, as he took a deep breath, looking at you.

"Sherman Temnura.... so that's his name." You told yourself, looking at Ayom.

"As much as I want to spare you, for that, I'm not so sure you're gonna change your ways, you know?" You asked. Ayom gritted his teeth as fog began to seep off his skin. You narrowed your eyes as you raised your foot to finish him off. Before you could stomp on his neck, his focus was broken by a line of blood exploded on his cheek. He yelled out in pain as you looked over at Ram.

"If you wish to die so badly, just say. We are in Emilia~Sama's service, and you are her enemy. We won't hesitate." Ram spoke in a deadly calm voice. More fog only appeared, and you sneered.

"Good riddance it is."


You walked into the town again, Subaru silent behind you, Ram at your side, and Scarlet, kinda weary ahead of you.

"We still don't have a lead on Temnura's location." Scarlet remarked, sitting down on a bench. Before you could sit down by her, Ram grabbed your sleeve. You looked at her, only to see her looking. You looked around, to notice people looking straight at you. All around you, people were whispering.

You couldn't make much out.


"...church has gotta hear..." Your heart sank at the Words as you looked around, before someone approached you from the side. You turned your head to look at them, revealing a wolf demihuman, wearing yellow robes.

"Sir... you are Y/n? Y/n L/n?" She asked. You narrowed your eyes, looking at your companions, then at the demihuman.

"Yes... I am." You responded. The demihumans eyes lit up as she smiled, getting on her knee, raising her eyes to you.

"Oh, praise! We've heard the rumors that you would bless this town with your presence! Please, come with me to the church! You must be so weary!" She cried out. Your expression softened as you looked at her. She was a member of the church. You looked at your group, motioning them to follow.

  You were guided through a street, the demihuman rushing to make sure you got through the crowds, pushing people out of the way. You were about to ask her to calm down, before she ran to a building, almost throwing open the doors to get you inside.

"Please, in here sire. We did our best to track you down, but as soon as we got word of your battles on the street, we knew you started your crusade. Come, the priests await your arrival." She urged you. You sighed, walking inside.

There seemed to be some kind of sermon in place. A priest was at the podium, reading a story to people in pews. They all fell silent when you entered. You looked at them all as you walked up the aisle. Scarlet, Subaru, and Ram stayed at the back as you walked forward, towards the priest. He looked up at you as you approached, his expression fixed in awe. Behind you, thunking reverberated through the hall. Looking back revealed all the people in the building on their knees.

"S...sire...." The priest in front of you stammered in shock as you sighed.

"Enough formalities. I was guided here by a member of this church. I'm on a mission, and I would like to know why I'm here." You spoke, your voice echoing. The priest in front of you shook as he spoke.

"We... we know your crusade is important, sire, but please, we offer our assistance in any ways possible. Do not hesitate to use our resources sire." He told you. You sighed as you looked around at the people attending the sermon.

"How deep does your influence spread?" You asked. The priest smiled as he answered.

"Since you arrived in this world, our members have increased tenfold! Your miracles strengthen the faith of everyone here! You are second only to the dragon!" He let out. You nodded, looking around.

"Then here is my word. I want the streets scanned. I am in search of a man who is trying to kill me and the half-elf I protect, Emilia. His name is Sherman Temnura, and if anyone finds him or anyone who acts suspiciously, or uses any kind of ability matching that of the Crusaders enemies, inform me." You said. The priest walked past you, facing the crowd behind him.

"The Phoenix has spoken! We must assist the crusade!" He shouted, stirring the people to life.

"Get the Servant, the Maid, and the Limbaic up here! All praise the Sun Crusaders!"


~1981 Words

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