Chapter 42

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Ara's POV

Today's our first official date. Cole won't tell me where he's taking me after school. Not knowing is killing me. I can be patient when I want to, but this is just torture.

"Just one hint," I plead as we walk towards the school, his hand in mine. Marcus and Sergio are walking behind me and Ralph is in front. It's so odd how I used to their presence I've become.

"No, babe, the only thing I'll say is that there is more than one part to the date," Cole says, smiling at me.

I groan, "that makes me want to know more!"

Cole laughs, "you're gonna love it."

"I know I am. And ok, I was thinking we should alternate planning dates. So you've got this one, I'll get the next one and then you. This way we can share both the experience of planning dates and being surprised." I offer.

"I like planning dates and surprising you," Cole says.

"I know, I do too. And I love being surprised and you will too. Also, we can alternate paying for stuff that way too," I say.

"No, I'm the guy I have to pay. And I have an endless income," Cole says as we climb up the steps.

"As do I Cole," I add as we step through the front doors. Cole glances at me and sighs dramatically.

"Fiiiiiinnnnee, you win, Ara, we'll alternate," Cole agrees.

"Yes!" I cheer excitedly, "I'll plan our second date for Wednesday, I haven't seen David in a while so I want to go see him tomorrow."

Cole smiles brightly," ok, bye hon."

Cole kisses me on the cheek and walks towards his class. I ignore everyone else around me and walk to class with a smile one face.

I came to school with just Cole and my bodyguards today and I know people are staring at me but that's not my concern.

"So how'd it go with Prince Charming this morning?" Lucy asks as I sit between her and Carter.

"He still won't tell me where we're going," I pout as I dump my backpack on the ground.

"I know where he's taking you," Will says in a sing songy voice.

"You will tell me immediately," Lucy turns to him.

"I'll tell you after they leave," Will says with a smile.

"Ugh, you're the worst," Lucy scoffs and crosses her arms.

"You love me," Will says with a smile. Lucy glances at him and then her face breaks into a smile.

"I do," she says with a smile and then drops it, "but you're no fun."

"If I tell you, you'll just ruin the surprise for Ara and Cole," Will says.

"Whatever, Will," Lucy faces the front of the room.

Ms. Mallin starts talking about the themes in the Scarlet Letter, but my minds too preoccupied to pay attention.

In math class, I blindly fill out my answers to the test I didn't know we were going to have.

At music class, I want to beg my brothers for details from yesterday's boys night but we end up singing songs the entire class.

Mrs. Henry has taken it upon herself to make me and the Jenson boys her pet project. The class has no objections whatsoever because it means they don't have to do any work.

At lunch I order the best Chicken Soup I've ever had and wait for my brothers to come to the table. I'm bouncing up and down in my seat by the time as they trickle in.

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