Chapter 5

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Imagine walking into a high end fashion store with five boys whose looks might as well have made them famous. Jason had found time to join us. When we walked in, it was like a bad scene in a cheap chick flick. All of the employees stopped what they were doing and rushed over to us. They were all young females and there was one obviously gay guy.

"Hello! Welcome to Spool! How can we help you all today?" A blond closer to Jason's age asks.

"We're here to get a dress for our sister for a party tonight," Carter pushes me in front of them.

"Oh how fun! Well," The gay steps forward and makes a circle with his finger. I raise my left eyebrow and stare at him blankly, "Turn sweetie!"

"Oh," I blush and start to slowly spin in a circle. My brothers look highly amused and I shoot them a death glare.

"What were you boys thinking?" The gay guys asks.

"Well something cute," Carter begins.

"But not too revealing," Jason sternly adds.

"Something that prevents her from becoming a lonely cat lady in thirty years," Thomas jokes.

"Thanks for that, Tom," I quip - he hates being called Tom, it reminds him of Tom and Jerry and Voldemort.

"I think I know where to begin!" One of the girls in the back says.

I am ushered to the changing room and shoved behind a curtain with the first dress in my arms. I'm thankful I shaved last night.

I pull on the first dress in the mirror and laugh. It's way too revealing and does not leave much to the imagination.

"Come out Ara!" Carter whines. I sigh and step out from behind the curtains. I watch as all my brothers eyes widen.

"NO!" They scream in harmony.

"Less skin," Ryder dismisses. I go back and try on the next dress. I take a deep breath and look in the mirror. I could pass for a nun. This is not going smoothly.

An hour later, I am cranky, my feet hurt and I am fed up.

"Last dress, honey, I promise," The gay guy named, Juan Carlos, hands me a dress. I don't even look in the mirror this time, I just throw it on and step out.

Carter is the first to notice I'm back and he was lost deep in thought looking at the ground. I clear my throat and he snaps his head up and he looks at me and smiles. He nods his head.

"This is perfect Ara," Carter smiles. My other brothers come back and smile as well.

"This will do it's sophisticated" Ryder agrees.

"And sexy," one of the female employees adds. My brothers collectively shudder.

"And nope you've got to find a new one now!" Scott declares.

"But boys I'm tired! I don't wanna shop anymore," I whine. I turn around to look in the store mirror.

It's not one of those 'I don't recognize myself because I'm absolutely beautiful moments,' it's more of a 'wow I can clean up nicely, I guess,' kind of moments. I feel pretty... and confident.

"If you want me to go to the party it is in this dress that I will go," I boldly declare.

After a moments silence the boys grin.

"Now you're ready , let's go."

We buy the dress and go home to he ready. Jason decides to tag along to the party and invites over two of his new college friends he's already made. Todd and Elliot.

I do my hair and make up, after admitting defeat and watching a few tutorials on YouTube, and with my trusty wedges, I go into the living room.

The boys are lounging around and I notice two extras. Jason's friends. Jason's hot friends.

"Whoa, Jason, I didn't know you had a sister," one of them says.

"A hot sister," the other one adds and I hold back a blush. I feel the eyes of all the boys in the room on me.

I get a simple "No," from Carter, a "Go change," from Thomas and a final "You are not leaving looking like that," from Jason.

"Guys I am either going like this or staying here," I counter, too tired to change anything.

The boys exchange glances.
"As long as she's not left alone and is watched at all times," Scott proposes.

Jason, the head honcho of all decisions, sighs, "alright Ara, you can go. Todd, Elliot, this is my baby sister Ara. Either of you try something funny and I will personally have you castrated."

"Relax Jason, I can mostly handle myself. Guys I can deal with, it's the girls I'm not so sure about," I look down at my hands.

"Ara," Carter pulls me over, "look at me" he says softly.

"I am looking at you Carter," I mumble.

"At my face Ara," Carter continues. I sigh and look at his eyes, an exact duplication of mine. In them I see concern and caring and trust.

"Ara, this isn't Maryland. This is Boston, a new city, a new chance. Don't be so quick to judge, okay, let the city surprise you. If you feel uncomfortable, for any reason, we will leave, ok?"

Smiling, I nod my head and hug my idiot, but sweet, twin tightly.

"Good, now let's go," Carter says when I release him. I see a car waiting for us downstairs and I am ushered in first. Jason pulls Todd back and he sits beside me himself.

I watch out the window as Ryder drives us through the city. We pull up outside this under 21 club and I take a deep breath. It's show time.

Unedited and might be funky! Sorry for any troubles. Thanks for reading!

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