Chapter 34

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Ara P.O.V.

After everyone leaves, Grandma declares that it is way past bedtime for everyone, especially Lucy's siblings. We bid them goodnight and Jason goes to drop off Claire. I send her a wink as they leave and she blushes and looks away. Todd and Elliot both hug me goodbye and Jason watches them like a hawk.

After Jason leaves, I start making my way towards my room when my phone buzzes with a text.

Today's one of the boys birthday, right?

I stop in my tracks and blink at the screen, blindly staring at it. It takes me reading the heartbreaking words ten times before it sinks in. I feel numb. And then I become enraged. I shakily lift my phone and adrenaline courses through my veins as I type out a response.

You insufferable bitch. Today is Jason's 20th birthday. How could you forget? You birthed him. No, how dare you forget? I cannot belie

The anger bursts out of me and hurt and humiliation take over. I look up and take in a few shaky breaths before deleting my response and continuing to stare at the hideous words.

"Ara?" a soft voice interrupts the silence around me. Cole's face comes into view and he steps towards me. He places his hands on my forearms and rubs them softly, causing shivers to run down my arms, but is also exceedingly comforting at the same time.

"What's wrong?" he asks. Wordlessly, I tilt the screen of my phone in his direction so he can read the words imprinted on the screen.

I watch as his face hardens as the words sink in. Suddenly, he pulls me into a hug and I automatically respond, pressing myself deeper into him.

"You are going to rise above, Ara. She may not deserve anything, but Jason deserves the very best. I know you believe that," Cole says. I sniffle and nod my head into his shoulder, "good. I'll take care of it."

He takes my phone and types a response, facing away from me so I don't have to see it. I take the time to shamelessly admire him. What am I going to do? I'm pretty sure he feels the same way but I'm not entirely certain. Maybe he doesn't feel what I do, or as strongly as I do. Ugh, this is so frustrating.

Maybe I'll just wait a little while and see if he makes a move? Or half a move? At this point, I'll take a quarter move. Cole hands me my phone and I look down to see the entire conversation is deleted.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, let's get you to sleep."

Jason P.O.V.

I rest one hand on the steering wheel of my brand new, ridiculously expensive, car. The other hand rests closely beside Claire. I glance at her and see her staring straight ahead at the gates of Williams' Manor. I look ahead and nod my head at the current gate attendant.

As the gate opens, I take the time to admire Claire. God, is she beautiful. I've never really liked anyone before, all the girls I've previously met don't respect me or my family, especially Ara. But Claire is different.

"What did Ara talk to you about?" I ask, curious. She glances at me and looks adorably flustered before she clears her throat.

"A lot of things, actually, honestly she's amazing, all of your family is. It's so cool that your Grandpa is Royce Jenson, he's an amazing musician, as are you, don't get me started on how amazing you are, I'm sure it runs in your family, I saw the video of your siblings in music class. It was phenomenal," Claire rambles and I look back between the road and her, severely amused.

"I'm really glad you like them," I smile. She stares at me for a second before returning the smile and I feel butterflies at the sight.

"Yeah they're great," she says.

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