Chapter 35

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"Relax, Ara,"

Do you ever realize how condescending that word can be? "Relax, how am I supposed to Relax, Carter? Jase's birthday party starts in..."

I look for my phone to tell me the time and as I'm flailing around looking for it I scoff, "don't tell me what to do Carter, I got this."

"Clearly," Carter snorts and I shoot him a glare.

"Shut up." I deadpan.

"Why are you so cranky?" Thomas comes up behind me and rests his arm on my shoulder.

"Don't mess with me Tommy," I quip.

"What's got her knickers in a twist?" Ty comes up and leans against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Does anyone know when Jase is going to get here?" I ask and look around and see blank faces.

"Hello, I'm told I'm supposed to be here," I hear a thick British accent and turn around. My eyes widen for a second in surprise and then I'm over it.

"Yeah, you're one of the acts performing, Mr. J.D., Thomas will you show him to the back where to set up and everythi-" I turn around in my spot to see my brothers all frozen to the spot with their mouths open.

"You idiots are useless," I mutter and turn to the very talented and extremely handsome musician heartthrob beside me, "follow me."

I eventually show all of the line up - J.D, Nix For Tricks, RF squared, 1862, and Tyler Jordan, where to go. Grandpa wants us to open and for now we have no name.

Thomas wanted to call us Alright Ara but I vetoed that.

Grandpa's definition of small turned out to be more than three hundred people but I'm too nervous about Jason to care at this point. I want it to be good for him.

I get a text from Claire and I peer at the tiny words on my screen. I jump in my spot.

Get Ready, ETA 2 min - xx C

Fudging Fiddlesticks.

"Everybody outside and shut up he's coming!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I shove the rest of the crowd outside and pull the curtain in front of the doors shut. Since so many people are here, we're just going to open the double door, shout surprise, and hope for the best.

My family and Will, Cole, and Lucy wait here and Clint, Lynn, Todd and Eliot are going to conduct everyone outside.

The front door opens and my brothers sprout up a conversation about god knows what. I'm freaking out too much to listen.

I feel Cole slip his hand into mine, "it's gonna go great. I promise, Ara."

I squeeze his hand back and look forward as Jason comes into the room.

"What's happening?" Jason says calmly with a smile.

"Oh you know, nothing much," Scott shrugs as Thomas subtly taps on one of the double doors. The doors suddenly swing open and I watch Jason's face carefully as he takes in the crowd.

A large chorus of "Surprise!" resonates through the house.

Jason looks shocked and I feel anxious trying to decipher what he's feeling. Grandpa steps forward with his hands raised in surrender in the air.

"I know you didn't want a big party, but you only turn twenty once, Soooo, I organized a music festival, small one," Grandpa pauses and places his pointer finger and thumb half an inch a part, "an ity witty baby musical festival with all of your favorite musicians and bands."

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