Chapter 17

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The big game is today. The first game of the season. This morning, we all woke up early and made a grand breakfast so Ryder could eat breakfast in bed, another Jenson household tradition. I was Jason's assistant as he whipped and fried and baked all of Ryder's favorite food. Another tradition - non breakfast food for breakfast. We basically made a thanksgiving dinner for breakfast today.

To wake Ryder up, we walked in singing Hercules' 'Go the Distance', his favorite disney movie. He sleepily smiled and his eyes widen at the feast.

"Thanks you guys," Ryder sat up in his bed and we piled on to all eat it together on his bed.

In school, everyone was going bonkers. The school colors, Red and Gold, were everywhere and there was going to be a Pep Rally instead of the end of the day classes, which no one was complaining about.

I sat with Lucy, Lynn, Thomas, Scott and Carter as the pep rally began in the gym. The principal gave a generic speech about school spirit and then the football team ran into the field. We cheered for Ryder Will, and Clinton and they spotted us and joined us in the bleachers.

The girl who always was the lead in the school musical, from what Lynn bitterly tells me, sings the national key. Bitterness explained.

Then the cheerleading squad, that the Bimbos asked me to join again today, aka Bimbo squad, performed some lame routine and the school cheered happily. Wow. Talent in this school must really be lacking.

There were silly competitions putting the grades against each other and Will, Clinton and Carter were dragged down to represent our grade in the tug of war contest. The juniors easily beat the wimpy sophmores and the seniors came to replace them. Scott and Ryder, as well as Cole somehow, were cheered down to the floor and I was actually curious to see who would win.

I'll spare the dramatics, the seniors won and Ryder and Scott came back looking victorious. Thomas laughed at Carter's slightly sad face.

After school, Will, Clinton and Ryder reported to Coach to get pumped and prepped for the game. Lucy and Lynn came over to hang out before the game. When we got inside, they vocalized how cool the penthouse was. I led them to the kitchen where we chatted and made snacks. We then went to my room.

"I'm super excited for the game tonight!" Lynn exclaims while shoveling popcorn and m&ms into her mouth.

"I know!" Lucy agrees, doing the same.

"Ryder finds out if he is captain today, before the game," I tell them and they look over confused.

"I thought Will was captain," Lynn says.

"He doesn't want to be captain yet, so he stepped down and told Coach to consider Ryder," I explain. Lucy looks confused.

"Huh, he never mentioned that," Lucy states and shrugs, "Oh well. I'm excited about the game, but more excited about the party."

"Me too! Ara, do you know what you're going to wear? I have my dress in my bag, Lu, do you have yours?" Lynn asks as she leans over the bed and pulls open her backpack. It looks like she didn't bring any school supplies today. Figures. She pulls out this cute short dress and big stillettos. Lucy coos over it and pulls out her own dress and Lynn showers it with compliments. I look at my closet. What's in there again?

"Do you know what you're wearing, Ara?" Lu asks me again. I shake my head and their eyes widen. They squeal and run to my closet and start pouring through my clothes.

"You have such cute stuff in here Ara!" Lynn calls out. Carter walks in the room.

"What's with all the screaming and the squealing?" he asks. I sigh.

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