✣ chapter twenty-six ✣

Start from the beginning

He shook his head dismissively. "I never saw my mother cheat, but I know she did too. Neither of them were innocent in the matter. And I don't blame them, they were a terrible match."

I thought back to my own parents, who adored each other. They'd also had an arranged marriage, but it had been a good match. They had been so lucky. And until recently, I thought I could never be as lucky.

"There was a rumor about my father during those days," Flynd said speculatively. "That he was having relations with a commoner. Something so taboo that no one dared mention it."

"Do you think he did?"

Flynd nodded. "Of course. But he's much tamer now. It would be hypocritical of him to expect me to be a good man if he couldn't be one himself. But sometimes, I wonder if either of us has achieved that."

"I think you're a good man, Flynd." I said with a small smile.

He gazed at me with a tenderness that melted my heart. "Thank you, Ayan. It means a great deal coming from you."

"You're welcome." I said. I grabbed a wooden queen piece and white king piece from the chessboard. I laughed, "This represents us one day. Of course, the Queen is the most important part."

He rolled his eyes, but I could see laughter blooming on his lips.


Blanyr's POV

"Er...Sire...I...I don't know...I..." I managed to stutter to a euphemistic "no".

"You will do it."

I choked on sharp inhale. "Your Highness...I...I—"

He cut me off swiftly, "I wouldn't tell a soul about this. In fact, don't tell a soul about it. Understand?"


Again, he interrupted me, "I know who you are, Blanyr."

"Pardon?" I asked, trying to ignore the tumble my heart had just done in my chest.

"I know your father is Lord Cormac. I've always known. And it would be a shame if the Lord knew where his estranged daughter has been hiding all these years."

I swallowed whatever protest I had left and reminded myself to tread lightly. This wasn't the first time I'd been recognized by an observant individual, and I had ways of evading blackmail, but this was the King. He couldn't be bribed or seduced or beaten into silence. "Alright, Your Highness," I answered as a quiet rage coursed through me.

"I think you'll make an excellent spy. You're quite unassuming," He peered a bit into my face. "And you have large eyes. They make you appear innocent. What do you think?"

"Well, I suppose," I conceded, somewhat flustered, somewhat enraged.

King Renyld's eyes scrunched in thought. "You'll need someone to guide you through the process. I would, but I haven't the time."

I watched in confusion as the strode to the door and rapped on it loudly. Within moments, hurried footsteps could be heard from outside and then a voice asked, "Your Highness? You called?"

"Yes," The King said through the door. "Send for Sir Lorcan."

My heart dropped to my feet. I had just gotten rid of Sir Lorcan and now he was being forced back into my life? Why did the King even trust a fop like Lorcan? He probably didn't have any skillset to qualify him as a spy.

While I seethed, the King turned around with an oblivious smile. I hated how he always smiled when no one else was amused. He gestured to a chair, "Sit, Blanyr. Sir Lorcan likes to take his time."

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